You can learn on how this software came into existance by visiting
this Program will not let the computer sleep for the number of mins mentioned, #cmdexe #commandline execution
copy the exe file in the folder and run the < prompt >CaffeineAddict.exe #mins
c:> CaffeineAddict.exe 10
will not allow the computer to sleep for 10mins
Process followed to not let the computer sleep
the mouse or the keyboard intrupt is sent every 10 seconds to keep the computer awake.
For those who are not able to access the features to exe file, please use the VB script (only key strokes in a notepad) or the Excel file (almost similar to exe file but using VBA)
To exit of the excel VBA, press Esc key or Ctrl + Break
Should use at your own caution, when using in workspaces, consult the work guidelines for safe usage.
license under MIT.