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This is a wallet for the NXT blockchain software. Information about NXT can be found here and the NXT API documentation can be found here.

Our definition of wallet is a tool that an user can use to sign and broadcast transactions without giving away their passwords to another party. Everything is handled client side.

Changes compared to NXT

In our wallet we name things a bit different from NXT. On a developer level we have replaced the following keywords:

  • NXT to DBN. Instead of NXT our blockchain is called NXT. So for the APIs in the NXT wiki the address http://localhost:7876/nxt? changes to http://localhost:7876/dbn?
  • NQT to DQT. NQT was previously "NxtQuants", we have changed it to "DbnQuants", 100,000,000 NQT/DQT === 1 NXT/DBN

Before you start

The prerequisite for development is NodeJS and NPM. Both are easily installable via

We use Git for version control and the Git Flow for branching (comes built in with SourceTree).

Project uses React and Redux


Pull the existing project from Git (either Bitbucket or Github) and then run npm install to install all packages


If necessary fill in src/config.json.

  • Run npm start on the middleware first. If you're not using the middleware make sure apiUrl in config.json is set or set isLocalhost to true.
  • Run npm start on the wallet

Running on Docker

Download and install Docker

  • docker build -t <your username>/wallet .
  • docker run -p 3000:3000 -d <your username>/wallet

For more help on Docker + NodeJS read the NodeJS documentation.

Version control

Git Flow should be used for version control. develop is the active development branch and master is for production ready deployment.

develop/feature is yours and will merge into develop

Fractal Structure

This project uses Fractal Project structure. That means we group things by feature instead of file type.

To read more about our project’s structure please read the React Redux Starter Github page.


We use Webpack with Babel to bundle and compile all our ES6 modules into ES5 code that the browser understands. If you clone our existing projects or us the redux-cli there is no need to set this up manually. Feel free to read up more.

Material Design

To make our app look and feel great we use Google’s Material design guidelines.

For integration in our development workflow we use the Material UI that is built using React. Please refer to the Google Material Design guidelines at all times before implementing an component.


Many of our projects requires the use of multiple languages. We use Yahoo’s React Intl library to provide localization. All strings should be localized!

You can define messages at the top of each component and use them in the component with the intl helper function

import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl'
import { renderFormattedMessage, renderFormattedMessagesArray } from 'redux/utils/intl'

const messages = defineMessages({
  message_id: {
    id: 'message_id',
    defaultMessage: 'your string {var}'


const myFormattedMessage = renderFormattedMessage(messages.message_id, {var: 'my value'})

const myFormattedMessageArray = => {
  {renderFormattedMessagesArray(, messages)}

Following that please run npm run manage:translations to extract the strings and update the translations