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Service » Input » textarea

Michael[tm] Smith edited this page Jan 27, 2018 · 3 revisions

This is not the recommended way to use the checker as a Web service. Instead, you probably want to check documents by POSTing them as the entity bodies of requests.

However, if for some reason you want to emulate a browser form-based textarea submission, you can do so by following these requirements:

  • Issue an HTTP request to an existing checker instance such as or
  • For the request, use the POST method with an multipart/form-data entity body (application/x-www-form-urlencoded is not supported).
  • Encode common parameters as form fields.
  • Include the document to check as the value of a form field named content.
  • You must ensure that the content field is the last field in the submission.

The request should explicitly set either the parser parameter or the css parameter. Content-Type is synthesized by selecting text/css if the value of the css parameter is yes, and otherwise selecting text/html or application/xml depending on the parser value. For all cases, the charset MIME type parameter is clamped to utf-8.

All field values including the document source must decode as UTF-8.


The following are simple examples using the curl command.

To check the file FILE.html and get the checker results in GNU error format:

curl -F out=gnu -F "content=<FILE.html"

To check the file /Users/foo/FILE.html and get the checker results as JSON:

curl -F out=json -F "content=</Users/foo.FILE.html" \

See also: Service » HTTP interface