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Simple CD/CI for Gitea

Executes a shell script on every repository action.

Things that must be configured:

  1. Gitea configuration
  2. Mutt smtp settings
  3. Repository scripts
  4. Systemd service

First clone the repository in /opt dir

git clone /opt/gitea-cdci
cd /opt/gitea-cdci
npm install

1. Gitea configuration

Add to gitea configuration the gitea-cdci IP address. If you install this project on the same host with the gitea, then its the same IP address.

💾 gitea/conf/app.ini


Go to a repository and create a System Webhook entry where you want to send the repository events for triggering the scripts

Target URL        :

🚧 Test webhook

Leave the netcat running, and send a test event from Gitea webhook, to verify that Gitea send events successfuly.

nc -l -p 4444

2. Email configuration

This project uses mutt to send report emails. The configuration bellow has been tested on Rocky Linux 9.2 and Zoho email servers

Install Depentencies

dnf install cyrus-sasl-plain mutt # for Rocky Linux 9.2

Configure mutt

💾 muttrc

# need to change
set from="My own email <[email protected]>"
set realname = "My Real Name"
set my_user="[email protected]"
set my_pass="ABDC1234"

# no need to change
set ssl_starttls=yes
set ssl_force_tls=yes
set smtp_url = "smtp://$my_user:$"

🚧 Test email

Use the configuration file to send a test email

echo test | mutt -F ./muttrc [email protected]

3. Systemd service

Make gitea-cdci start at boot automatically

chmod +x gitea-cdci.service
cp gitea-cdci.service /lib/systemd/system/

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start gitea-cdci
systemctl status gitea-cdci
systemctl enable gitea-cdci

4. Deploy a repository

The workflow

  1. You git push your code to a Gitea repository
  2. Gitea repository recieves your push and triggers a webhook at localhost:4444
  3. Gitea-cdci listens to localhost:4444 and execute a type script for example /type/drupal

In type script you can copy files, test code, builds docker containers or whatever your repo needs

Create a staging repository for myProject

[!] The description string in the Gitea repository must be exact the same name with the Gitea-cdci type script

  1. Go to :

    • Title : myProject
    • Description: drupal
  2. Go to :

    • Add the ssh public key of the user that used by the in order to git push your code to this repo
    • Add the ssh key of the Gitea-cdci user that makes the git clone
  3. Go to:

    • Add Webhook > Gitea > Target URL:

Automate things like database exports and copy settings files that they aren't in the repository. This example is about a DrupalCMS project. You can run locally ./ my-drupal-site in order to:

  1. export database locally
  2. copy database and settings files to remote server
  3. push you code
  4. watch the remote log file

Before running the

  1. In order the can copy the database.sql and settings.php from your desktop to the remote server, you must create a user on the remote server with the same name as your local user, and copy the ssh public key to the remote server.

  2. In order the can git push your code from local to remote staging repository you must add the self-signed certificate of the Gitea url ( to your local git client. First place the the self-signed certificate in a file on your home dir ~/gitea.pem. Then:

git config --global --add '*'                                 # allow self-signed certs
git config --global http."".sslCAInfo ~/gitea.pem  # add cert for secure push
cd myProject
git remote add staging       # add the second origin 
git push staging                                                             # push to staging without password

🚧 Test service

Now you can start using the

Make some changes to the code and run ./ mydrupal-site

Watch the progress and go to to see the project runing


  • Run as different user
  • More global functions for test and build javascript and python projects


Executes a shell script for every repository action







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