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fix(deps): update all non-major dependencies #276

fix(deps): update all non-major dependencies

fix(deps): update all non-major dependencies #276

Triggered via pull request February 6, 2024 06:12
Status Failure
Total duration 1m 27s


on: pull_request
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8 errors and 8 warnings
lint: src/core/options.ts#L2
TypeScript will only remove the inline type specifiers which will leave behind a side effect import at runtime. Convert this to a top-level type qualifier to properly remove the entire import
lint: src/core/options.ts#L3
TypeScript will only remove the inline type specifiers which will leave behind a side effect import at runtime. Convert this to a top-level type qualifier to properly remove the entire import
lint: src/core/vue2.ts#L7
TypeScript will only remove the inline type specifiers which will leave behind a side effect import at runtime. Convert this to a top-level type qualifier to properly remove the entire import
lint: src/core/vue3.ts#L6
TypeScript will only remove the inline type specifiers which will leave behind a side effect import at runtime. Convert this to a top-level type qualifier to properly remove the entire import
lint: tsconfig.json#L5
Expected object keys to be in specified order. 'jsx' should be before 'lib'
lint: tsconfig.json#L9
Expected object keys to be in specified order. 'resolveJsonModule' should be before 'types'
lint: tsconfig.json#L11
Expected object keys to be in specified order. 'strict' should be before 'esModuleInterop'
Process completed with exit code 1.
lint: src/core/options.ts#L33
Insert `,`
lint: src/core/vue2.ts#L12
Insert `,`
lint: src/core/vue3.ts#L11
Insert `,`
lint: tests/vue2.test.ts#L29
Insert `,`
lint: tests/vue2.test.ts#L35
Insert `,`
lint: tests/vue3.test.ts#L8
Insert `,`
lint: tests/vue3.test.ts#L34
Insert `,`
lint: tests/vue3.test.ts#L40
Insert `,`