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The HTTP sink connector allows you to listen to topic(s) and send the data to any HTTP API.


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Kafka HTTP Sink Connector

The HTTP sink connector allows you to listen to topic(s) and send the data to any HTTP API.

Installing Connector

  1. Download / build jar
  2. Copy the jar to the desired location. For example, you can create a directory named <path-to-kafka>/share/kafka/plugins then copy the connector plugin jar.
  3. Add this to the plugin path in your Connect properties file. For example, plugin.path=/usr/local/share/kafka/plugins. Kafka Connect finds the plugins using its plugin path. A plugin path is a comma-separated list of directories defined in the Kafka Connect's worker configuration.
  4. Start the Connect workers with that configuration. Connect will discover all connectors defined within those plugins.

Connector configuration properties

Property Description Value Default Required
topics Topic(s) you want to listen to String (use comma to pass multiple topics) Y
callback.request.url Callback url that should be called when a message is received on the topic String Y
callback.request.methods Method of the callback url POST, PUT,DELETE Y
callback.request.headers Headers to be passed to the callback JSON String ( Sample: "{\"Content-Type\":\"application/json\",\"apikey\":\"API_KEY_HERE\"}" ) N
exception.strategy Strategy to be used in-case the callback request returns response with retry flag true. PROGRESS_BACK_OFF_DROP_MESSAGE, PROGRESS_BACK_OFF_STOP_TASK, DROP_MESSAGE, STOP_TASK PROGRESS_BACK_OFF_DROP_MESSAGE Y
retry.backoff.sec The time in seconds to wait following an error before a retry attempt is made. Integer 5,30,60,300,600 Y
request.delay.sec The time in seconds to wait before calling the http endpoint. Based on the record timestamp. If record has no timestamp the full delay is used from when the connector reads the record Integer 0 N

Exception strategies

The exception strategy is triggered if the response send back by the callback url had a retry flag set to true.
Sample Response: Retry not triggered

    "message":"Unable to process. An error happened: Identity - User with ID=test not found",

Sample Response: Retry triggered

    "message":"Unable to process. An unhandled exception has been thrown.",

One can opt for one of the below exception strategies to retry the failed callback request.

    Retry request with increasing amount of wait time between request and DROP the message if not successful.

    The request is retied after waiting for a certain amount of time as configured in the retry.backoff.sec property. The reties generally configured to wait for increased amount of time after each failure. So with retry.backoff.sec = 5,30,60,300,600 the PROGRESS_BACK_OFF_DROP_MESSAGE will try to call the callback request url after 5sec, 30sec, 1min, 5min and 10mins between each failed try and ultimately drop the message and move to processing the next message in que.
    This is the default and recommended strategy.

    Retry request with increasing amount of wait time between request and STOP the connector if not successful. The connector would have to be manually restarted so that it starts to consume messages again.

    The request is retied after waiting for a certain amount of time as configured in the retry.backoff.sec property. The reties generally configured to wait for increased amount of time after each failure. So with retry.backoff.sec = 5,30,60,300,600 the PROGRESS_BACK_OFF_STOP_TASK will try to call the callback request url after 5sec, 30sec, 1min, 5min and 10mins between each failed try and ultimately stop the connector and no new messages in the que would be consumed.
    Use this strategy if you do not want to loose any message.The application is continuously monitored for any errors and connector restart can be manually triggered.

    Drop the message and move to processing the next message in que. Failures from the callback request are ignored.
    Use this strategy if you do not care about loosing messages.


    Immediately stop the connector. No new messages in the que would be consumed. The connector would have to be manually restarted so that it starts to consume messages again.
    Use this strategy if you do not want to loose any message. The application is continuously monitored for any errors and connector restart can be manually triggered.

  • If the response does not contain a retry indicator the connector would assume retry= true and will retry the message as per the back-off strategy.
  • If their is no retry indicator and the HTTP status is one of the below the connector will retry the message as per the back-off strategy and STOP if not successful.
    • 502 Bad Gateway - The server was acting as a gateway or proxy and received an invalid response from the upstream server.
    • 503 Service Unavailable - The server cannot handle the request (because it is overloaded or down for maintenance). Generally, this is a temporary state.
    • 504 Gateway Timeout - The server was acting as a gateway or proxy and did not receive a timely response from the upstream server.
    • 401 Unauthorised - The server rejected the request because the user is not authorised (e.g. apikey provided is incorrect)
    • 403 Forbidden - The server rejected the request because the use does not have the rights to perform the action (e.g. ACL configured for the consumer is incorrect)
    • 405 Method Not Allowed - The server rejected the request because the request method (configured in callback.request.methods ) was not accepted
    • 406 Not Acceptable - The server rejected the request because the content type expected was incorrect (configured in callback.request.headers)

Kafka connect rest API

  • Create new connection

    • Endpoint: /connectors
    • Method: POST
    • Payload:
            "name": "<Integration project name>",
            "config": {
          	    "topics":"<Topics to listen to>",
                "callback.request.url":"<Callback url to call>",
                "callback.request.method":"<Callback url request method>",
                "callback.request.headers":"<Callback url headers>",
  • Update existing connection

    • Endpoint: /connectors/<connection name(Integration project name)>
    • Method: PUT
    • Payload:
            "topics":"<Topics to listen to>",
            "callback.request.url":"<Callback url to call>",
            "callback.request.method":"<Callback url request method>",
            "callback.request.headers":"<Callback url headers>",
  • List connections:

    • Endpoint: /connectors
    • Method: GET
  • Connection Details:

    • Endpoint: /connectors/<connection name(Integration project name)>
    • Method: GET
  • Pause Connection: Pause consuming messages. When resumed connection will start consuming messages from the offset it was paused at.

    • Endpoint: /connectors/<connection name(Integration project name)>/pause
    • Method: GET
  • Resume Connection: Resume paused connection. The connection will start consuming messages from the offset it was paused at.

    • Endpoint: /connectors/<connection name(Integration project name)>/resume
    • Method: GET
  • Delete Connection: Connection would be deleted and cannot be restored back.

    • Endpoint: /connectors/<connection name(Integration project name)>
    • Method: DELETE



The HTTP sink connector allows you to listen to topic(s) and send the data to any HTTP API.







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