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Dev quickstart:

  1. curl -o- | bash
  2. nvm install --lts
  3. npm install
  4. npm start

Configuration: Environment files

Use the .env files to configure the frontend. Put local overrides in e.g. .env.development.local or .env.local.

Tip: Set BROWSER=none in a local .env file to disable opening a browser when running npm start.

Read more about environment variables

Configuration: Authentication

Authentication can be enabled by setting the environment variable REACT_APP_AUTH_ENABLED to "true".

When authentication is enabled, the following must also be set:

  • REACT_APP_FEIDE_GK_API_SCOPE contains the scope used by the Dataporten API Gateway.
  • oidcLogoutUrl in appConfig.ts is set to an endpoint which will facilitate logout.
  • The following structure should be present in appConfig.ts, with proper values for the applicable application defined in Dataporten:
    export const oidcConfig: Oidc.OidcClientSettings = {
        authority: '',
        client_id: '<my-client-id>',
        redirect_uri: '<my-proto>://<my-hostname>/callback',
        response_type: 'id_token token',
            feideGatekeeperScope +
            ' openid profile email groups userid userid-feide userinfo-entitlement',

Relevant dokumentasjon og opplæring

VS Code

Some tips for configuring VS Code for this project.

Install and configure ESLint

CRA 3.0 provides TypeScript linting via typescript-eslint. Install the ESLint extension and enable TypeScript support in it as per these instructions.

Linting rules are currently inherited from CRA and cannot be modified. Revisit this issue at some point.

Install Prettier

Prettier can automatically format code according to our .prettierrc. Consider enabling "Format on save" in VS Code. Ctrl+Shift+I to manually format a document.

Other recommended extensions

GitLens, Jest, Sass, Apollo GraphQL, Material Icon Theme