- CKB (ckb 0.12.2 (v0.12.2 2019-05-20))
- ckb-sdk-ruby (https://github.com/u2/ckb-sdk-ruby/tree/lightning)
The output for the Funding Transaction is a single 2-of-2 multisignature script with both participants in this channel, henceforth named Alice and Bob. It's for creating the channel.
- Create the parent (Funding Transaction)
- Create the children (Commitment Transactions and all spends from the commitment transactions)
- Sign the children
- Exchange the signatures for the children
- Sign the parent
- Exchange the signatures for the parent
- Broadcast the parent on the blockchain
Commitment Transactions pay out the respective current balances to each party.
Note: Alice2 is Alice's another pubkey
Alice create the commitment transactions with two outputs:
output-0. Revocable Maturity Contract Alice2&Bob 300 ckb
output-1. bob 300 ckb
No LockTime
Revocable Maturity Contract is that:
- output for Alice, 10-block relative confirmations lock
- or bob can spend it with alice2 and bob's signatures immediately, if bob has alice2 private key
Bob creates the commitment transactions with two outputs:
output-0. Revocable Maturity Contract Alice&Bob2 300 ckb
output-1. alice 300 ckb
No LockTime
During Alice and Bob create the Funding Transaction, they already have two different signed commitment transactions.
- Create new commitment transaction
Alice create the commitment transactions with two outputs:
output-0. Revocable Maturity Contract Alice3&Bob 400 ckb
output-1. bob 200 ckb
No LockTime
Bob creates the commitment transactions with two outputs:
output-0. Revocable Maturity Contract Alice&Bob3 200 ckb
output-1. alice 400 ckb
No LockTime
Exchange the signatures for the children (the new commitment transaction)
Breach Remedy Transaction for parent commit transaction
- alice discloses the alice2 private keys to the counterparty
- bob discloses the bob2 private keys to the counterparty
Bob&Alice should destroy all old Commitment Transactions
Cooperatively Closing Out a Channel
Create the new transaction with no script encumbering conditions. There are two outputs:
- output-0: alice 400 ckb
- output-1: bob 200 ckb
No LockTime
Before this, you should already installed the ckb and ckb-sdk-ruby.
- Compile
git submodule update --init --recursive
docker run -it --rm -v `pwd`:/data xxuejie/riscv-gnu-toolchain-rv64imac:latest bin/bash
cd /data
- Run CKB
cd ckb-dev
ckb run
Open another terminal
cd ckb-dev
ckb miner
Wait for a few seconds...
- Run lightning
Both parities comply the rules and cooperatively close out the channel
bash scenario_0.sh
It works as below:
- create first commitment transaction
- create and boadcast the Funding Transaction
- create another commitment transation for updating the current balances of both parties
- create Exercise Settlement Transaction for cooperatively closing out the channel
rm: cannot remove 'scenario_0.rb': No such file or directory
0. prepare
transfer capacity to alice and bob
1. unsigned funding transaction
1.1 deploy two-of-two multi signatures script
and revocable_maturity script
deploy contract ./two_of_two
code len 1174384, use capacity 117448400000000
deploy contract ./revocable_maturity
code len 1216312, use capacity 121641200000000
1.2 create unsigned finding transaction
2 create commit transaction (children transaction)
2.1 create commit transaction and sign
alice create commitment tx 1a (C1a)
Only alice can broadcast
0: RSMC alice&bob 300 ckb
1: no locktime for bob 300 ckb
bob create commitment tx 1b (C1b)
Only bob can broadcast
0: RSMC alice&bob 300 ckb
1: no locktime for alice 300 ckb
2.2 Exchange the signatures for the children
2.3 Sign the parent (Funding transaction)
2.4 Exchange the signatures for the parent
2.5 Broadcast the parent on the blockchain
{:status=>"committed", :block_hash=>"0x01a1c5f74fdf5a2daf90089b5975680bbd55e3fb6093448506453a74462eb995"}
3 new commit transaction
3.1 create commit transaction and sign
alice create commitment tx 2a (C2a)
Only alice can broadcast
0: RSMC alice&bob 400 ckb
1: no locktime for bob 200 ckb
bob create commitment tx 2b (C2b)
Only bob can broadcast
0: RSMC alice&bob 200 ckb
1: no locktime for alice 400 ckb
3.2 Exchange the signatures for the children
3.3 Breach Remedy Transaction for parent commit transaction
alice discloses the alice2 private keys to the counterparty
bob discloses the bob2 private keys to the counterparty
3.4 Exchange the signatures for the Breach Remedy Transaction
Bob&Alice should destroy all old Commitment Transactions
Scenario_0: Both parities comply the rules and cooperatively close out the channel
4. Exercise Settlement Tx
alice balance: 0
bob balance: 240000000000
{:status=>"committed", :block_hash=>"0xa5fba52b25f5f58db8f774440570575a011f18c96d6b660ba0975505885fd727"}
now alice's balance is 40000000000
now bob's balance is 260000000000
alice: Fabulous 😎 !
bob: Terrific 😘 !
robot: see you next time!
Alice broadcasts old commitment transaction and all the funds are given to the other party as a penalty
bash scenario_1.sh
It works as below:
- create first commitment transaction
- create and boadcast the Funding Transaction
- create another commitment transation for updating the current balances of both parties
- Alice broadcasts old commitment transaction
- Bob monitors the event and broadcasts Breach Remedy Transaction immediately, all the funds are given to Bob as a penalty of Alice
rm: cannot remove 'scenario_1.rb': No such file or directory
0. prepare
transfer capacity to alice and bob
1. unsigned funding transaction
1.1 deploy two-of-two multi signatures script
and revocable_maturity script
deploy contract ./two_of_two
code len 1174384, use capacity 117448400000000
deploy contract ./revocable_maturity
code len 1216312, use capacity 121641200000000
1.2 create unsigned finding transaction
2 create commit transaction (children transaction)
2.1 create commit transaction and sign
alice create commitment tx 1a (C1a)
Only alice can broadcast
0: RSMC alice&bob 300 ckb
1: no locktime for bob 300 ckb
bob create commitment tx 1b (C1b)
Only bob can broadcast
0: RSMC alice&bob 300 ckb
1: no locktime for alice 300 ckb
2.2 Exchange the signatures for the children
2.3 Sign the parent (Funding transaction)
2.4 Exchange the signatures for the parent
2.5 Broadcast the parent on the blockchain
{:status=>"committed", :block_hash=>"0xf67bfa132787c8a02d9685f4115b2ab2dead9ea8e2c878111505c823a62bf13c"}
3 new commit transaction
3.1 create commit transaction and sign
alice create commitment tx 2a (C2a)
Only alice can broadcast
0: RSMC alice&bob 400 ckb
1: no locktime for bob 200 ckb
bob create commitment tx 2b (C2b)
Only bob can broadcast
0: RSMC alice&bob 200 ckb
1: no locktime for alice 400 ckb
3.2 Exchange the signatures for the children
3.3 Breach Remedy Transaction for parent commit transaction
alice discloses the alice2 private keys to the counterparty
bob discloses the bob2 private keys to the counterparty
3.4 Exchange the signatures for the Breach Remedy Transaction
Bob&Alice should destroy all old Commitment Transactions
Scenario_1: Alice broadcasts old commitment transaction and all the funds are given to the other party as a penalty
Alice broadcast the old commitment transaction c1a
Alice try to broadcast the rd1a but failed
Rd1a (Revocable Delivery transaction): alice could spend output-0 after 10 blocks confirmation
jsonrpc error: {:code=>-3, :message=>"InvalidTx(Immature)"}
Alice should delivery rd1a after 10-block confirmation
Bob monitor that alice broadcasted the c1a
And broadcast the Breach Remedy Transaction of c1a
Bob's balance: 290000000000
{:status=>"committed", :block_hash=>"0x1593ef5df7eed81156f00db41155319467f8ae285ce519be294779422a043209"}
Bob take Alice's fund 30000000000 as a penalty
Bob's new balance: 320000000000
alice: Oh my...
bob: Terrific 😘 !
robot: see you next time!
Alice broadcasts old commitment transaction, but Bob is napping, so Alice takes the fund in the old commitment transaction
bash scenario_2.sh
It works as below:
- create first commitment transaction
- create and boadcast the Funding Transaction
- create another commitment transation for updating the current balances of both parties
- Alice broadcasts old commitment transaction
- Bob is napping and missing that
- Alice steals the funds
0. prepare
transfer capacity to alice and bob
1. unsigned funding transaction
1.1 deploy two-of-two multi signatures script
and revocable_maturity script
deploy contract ./two_of_two
code len 1174384, use capacity 117448400000000
deploy contract ./revocable_maturity
code len 1203360, use capacity 120346000000000
1.2 create unsigned finding transaction
2 create commit transaction (children transaction)
2.1 create commit transaction and sign
alice create commitment tx 1a (C1a)
Only alice can broadcast
0: RSMC alice&bob 300 ckb
1: no locktime for bob 300 ckb
bob create commitment tx 1b (C1b)
Only bob can broadcast
0: RSMC alice&bob 300 ckb
1: no locktime for alice 300 ckb
2.2 Exchange the signatures for the children
2.3 Sign the parent (Funding transaction)
2.4 Exchange the signatures for the parent
2.5 Broadcast the parent on the blockchain
{:status=>"committed", :block_hash=>"0x100ee47d305d2523c9cec2d02f42f9a66ade649ba0cfddecb49c7f5d95e4d8e5"}
3 new commit transaction
3.1 create commit transaction and sign
alice create commitment tx 2a (C2a)
Only alice can broadcast
0: RSMC alice&bob 400 ckb
1: no locktime for bob 200 ckb
bob create commitment tx 2b (C2b)
Only bob can broadcast
0: RSMC alice&bob 200 ckb
1: no locktime for alice 400 ckb
3.2 Exchange the signatures for the children
3.3 Breach Remedy Transaction for parent commit transaction
alice discloses the alice2 private keys to the counterparty
bob discloses the bob2 private keys to the counterparty
3.4 Exchange the signatures for the Breach Remedy Transaction
Bob&Alice should destroy all old Commitment Transactions
Scenario_2: Alice broadcasts old commitment transaction
but Bob is napping,
so Alice takes the fund in the old commitment transaction
Alice broadcast the old commitment transaction c1a
Alice try to broadcast the rd1a but failed
Rd1a (Revocable Delivery transaction): alice could spend output-0 after 10 blocks confirmation
Alice's balance 60000000000
Bob is napping...
Alice takes the input-0 in the old commitment transaction 30000000000
Alice's new balance: 90000000000
alice: Terrific 😘 !
bob: Oh my...
robot: see you next time!