A modified C++ library used for approximate nearest neighbours and fast distributed clustering, with Python 3.x
interfaces. The Py_FastANN_FastCluster
is used for approximate K-Means (AKM).
It contains two libraries: FASTANN
: A library for fast approximate nearest neighbours -
: A library for fast, distributed clustering (using MPI) for very large datasets.
Fastann and fastcluster (released in 2009.11)
Ubuntu 18.04 x86_64 with GCC 7.5.0
CMake 3.15.0
python 3.6
Requirements: Linux, CMake, Yasm (optional). Here I donot use Yasm.
$ cd fastann
$ PREFIX=/usr/local/ cmake . && make
$ make test # all PASSED
$ make perf
$ sudo make install
The compiled library is installed in PREFIX/lib
(libfastann.so) and PREFIX/include/fastann
Go into examples
folder, and run the example1.cpp
in fastann/examples
$ g++ example1.cpp -o example1 -I /usr/local/include/fastann -L /usr/local/lib -lfastann
$ ./example1
If it doesnot find lib, write the lib path into environment variable first, e.g.
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
$ sudo ldconfig
Requirements: python and numpy.
First, in ./fastann/interfaces/python/fastann.py
, chang raise
raise TypeError('query type must be the same as the base type')
In fastann.py
: build_exact()
and build_kdtree()
functions, define the types of retured value before calling functions. Specifically, in build_exact()
function, between suffix=***
and ptr=***
, add:
if suffix == "d":
lib.fastann_nn_obj_build_exact_d.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p)
elif suffix == "s":
lib.fastann_nn_obj_build_exact_s.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p)
lib.fastann_nn_obj_build_exact_c.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p)
In build_kdtree()
function, between suffix=***
and ptr=***
, add:
if suffix == "d":
lib.fastann_nn_obj_build_kdtree_d.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p)
elif suffix == "s":
lib.fastann_nn_obj_build_kdtree_s.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p)
lib.fastann_nn_obj_build_kdtree_c.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p)
Otherwise, when running test.py
in fastann/examples
, it will cause error Process finished with exit code 139 (interrupted by signal 11: SIGSEGV). Address: getattr in fastann.py.
This is because the type of the return value is not defined, so the pointer returned by calling functions is wrong and cannot access the correct memory. (Invalid/illegal pointer access)
Then compile
$ cd interfaces/python && python setup.py install
Thus we can get the fastann.py
and libfastann.so
, copy these two files into python python**/site-packages/
. Then you can call its functions in your own python files.
Test. Go into fastann/examples
folders and run python test.py
to test the fastann library in python. Before run, modify the print
to python 3.x format in test.py
files. The final library is: fastann.py
, libfastann.so
and PREFIX/include/fastann
(header files). The fastann
folder includes: fastann.hpp, randomkit.h, rand_point_gen.hpp, fastann.h
Requirements: PyTables, fastann, and MPI library (OpenMPI is recommended). Here, fastann is installed above.
Download openmpi-1.1.5
(released in 2007) and install. Other versions of OpenMPI may cause some errors.
$ wget https://download.open-mpi.org/release/open-mpi/v1.1/openmpi-1.1.5.tar.gz
$ tar -zxvf openmpi-1.1.5.tar.gz
$ cd openmpi-1.1.5
$ ./configure --prefix="/usr/local/openmpi"
$ make
$ sudo make install # -j8
Then configure environment variables:
# Method 1
# vim ~/.bashrc and then add
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/openmpi/bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/openmpi/lib/
# save .bashrc and then
$ sudo ldconfig
# Method 2
$ sudo gedit /etc/profile # and add
export PATH=/usr/local/openmpi/bin:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/openmpi/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
# open new terminal
Test if the installation was successful.
$ mpirun
# or
$ cd examples
$ make
$ mpirun -np 8 hello_c
PyTables is used to read and write hdf5 files.
conda install -c conda-forge pytables
Modify the files:
, add#include <stdio.h>
and#include <iostream>
, add#include <iostream>
Then compile:
$ PREFIX=/usr/local/ cmake . && make
$ sudo make install
The compiled library is installed in PREFIX/lib
(libfastcluster.so) and PREFIX/include/fastcluster
a) Test. Run ./test_mpi_queue
. "PASSED" means successful compilation.
b) Python 3.x interfaces
Modify fastcluster.py
1)Modify the functions in pyTables 2.x (python 2.x) to pyTables 3.x version. For pyTables 2.x -> 3.x, you can see Pytables Migrating. Specifically,
In main function of
, modify# Change pyTables 2.x pnts_fobj = tables.openFile('pnts.h5','w') pnts_fobj.createArray(pnts_fobj.root, 'pnts', pnts) # To pyTables 3.x pnts_fobj = tables.open_file('pnts.h5','w') pnts_fobj.create_array(pnts_fobj.root, 'pnts', pnts)
function offastcluster.py
, about line 180+, modifypnts_fobj = tables.openFile(pnts_fn, 'r') -> pnts_fobj = tables.open_file(pnts_fn, 'r') pnts_fobj.walkNodes('/', classname = 'Array') -> pnts_fobj.walk_nodes('/', classname = 'Array') ctypes.c_char_p(chkpnt_fn) -> ctypes.c_char_p(chkpnt_fn.encode('utf-8')) clst_fobj = tables.openFile(clst_fn, 'w') -> clst_fobj = tables.open_file(clst_fn, 'w') createCArray() -> create_carray()
2)Modify the code in python 3.x format, specifically,
except OSError, e:
toOSError as e:
; -
raise ***
toraise TypeError('****')
. -
function ofnn_obj_exact_builder
class, define the type of returned value. Specifically, beforeptr=getattr**
, addif self.suffix == "d": libfastann.fastann_nn_obj_build_exact_d.restype = ctypes.c_void_p elif self.suffix == "s": libfastann.fastann_nn_obj_build_exact_s.restype = ctypes.c_void_p else: libfastann.fastann_nn_obj_build_exact_c.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
function ofnn_obj_approx_builder
class, define the type of returned value. Specifically, beforeptr=getattr**
, addif self.suffix == "d": libfastann.fastann_nn_obj_build_kdtree_d.restype = ctypes.c_void_p elif self.suffix == "s": libfastann.fastann_nn_obj_build_kdtree_s.restype = ctypes.c_void_p else: libfastann.fastann_nn_obj_build_kdtree_c.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
Test and compile:
to test thefastcluster
lib. -
python setup.py install
to compile the library in python 3.x.
The final library is fastcluster.py
, libfastcluster.so
and fastcluster
(header files) folders. The fastcluster
includes: randomkit.h, mpi_queue.hpp, kmeans.h
c) Other issues
Running error:
mca_base_component_repository_open: unable to open mca_op_avx: /usr/local/openmpi/lib/openmpi/
mca_op_avx.so: undefined symbol: ompi_op_base_module_t_class (ignored)
It seems to not influence the program running. It is the version issue of OpenMPI. You should use
(released in 2007). Other versions will cause this error. -
Error: Permission denied, cannot create folders or write files.
command, or modify the folder permission by$chmod 777 /***/***
Other similar library used for AKM (Approximate K-Means):
- Faiss: a library for efficient similarity search and clustering of dense vectors, released by FAIR.