A cross-platform mobile application that provides users with a personally curated list of local events and communities in their area, allowing them to connect and share new experiences with like minded people.
Cross-platform mobile application built in Xamarin-Forms (c#).
• RESTful API (Python, flask)
• Abstraction in Xamarin “PCL” to delegate platform-specific functionality at runtime using dependency injection.
MVVM (model, view, view-model)
• AllEvents aggregator
• Facebook Graph API
• Realm for an on-phone cached database and offline storage
• Grial Ki for XAML UI templating.
• Postgres
• Azure App Services
• Entity Framework (using Code-First (models) approach and Fluent API for DBO/DTO mapping (key/table relations))
• HockeyApp for continuous distribution to testers, crash reporting and analysis, and gathering user feedback.