A custom fork of fzf.xplr with some additional features.
- Support custom name, so the plugin can be required multiple times with different setups.
- Support callback function to handle the selected path.
- Support adding keybinding to a custom mode.
-- default fzf, excluding unnecessary files, with preview
-- see: https://github.com/junegunn/fzf/blob/master/bin/fzf-preview.sh
bin = "fd",
args = "--hidden --follow --exclude .DS_Store --exclude .git . . | fzf -m --preview '$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fzf/fzf-preview.sh {}'",
recursive = true,
enter_dir = true,
-- fzf + autojump
-- see: https://github.com/wting/autojump
name = "autojump",
args = [[ --bind "start:reload:autojump --complete '' | awk -F '__' '{ if (!seen[tolower(\$3)]++) print \$3 }'" \
--bind "change:reload:autojump --complete '{q}' | awk -F '__' '{ if (!seen[tolower(\$3)]++) print \$3 }'" \
--disabled --preview 'tree -C {} -L 4' | xargs -I {} realpath "{}" ]],
recursive = true,
enter_dir = true,
mode = "go_to",
key = "j"
-- search file contents
-- see: https://github.com/junegunn/fzf/wiki/Examples#searching-file-contents
name = "fif",
bin = home .. "/bin/fif",
args = "-o",
recursive = true,
mode = "search",
key = "ctrl-s",
callback = "custom.fif_callback"
-- open file in vim at the specific line
xplr.fn.custom.fif_callback = function(input)
local path, line = input:match("^([^:]+):(%d+):")
return {
{ BashExec = string.format("nvim +%s %s", line, path) },
Add the following line in
local home = os.getenv("HOME") package.path = home .. "/.config/xplr/plugins/?/init.lua;" .. home .. "/.config/xplr/plugins/?.lua;" .. package.path
Clone the plugin
mkdir -p ~/.config/xplr/plugins git clone https://github.com/sayanarijit/fzf.xplr ~/.config/xplr/plugins/fzf
Require the module in
require("fzf").setup() -- Or require("fzf").setup{ mode = "default", key = "ctrl-f", bin = "fzf", args = "--preview 'pistol {}'", recursive = false, -- If true, search all files under $PWD enter_dir = false, -- Enter if the result is directory } -- Press `ctrl-f` to spawn fzf in $PWD
- Search is done on the filtered sorted paths via xplr.
- Option to toggle into recursive search.
- Option to toggle enter directory.