docker build -t turbosrc-offchain-service:latest.
Launch, but perhaps build flag is redundant here (had issues of it not actually rebuilding image as thought).
docker-compose up --build
docker pull node:16.15-bullseye
docker ps
docker exec -it <privateStore_library_1 id> bash *or* sh
npm start
Enter npm start again to clear database if running tests a second time.
docker-compose down
201 if valid, 403 if user has voted on this pull request already
a string with the contributor id
a string with the contributor's name (github login)
a boolean, true if repo is tokenized, else false
a boolean
a string of either closed open or merge
a string of 1000000
a string of the amount of votepower a user has in the given repo
a string of the total number of votes against a pull request
a string of the total number of votes in favor of a pull request
Use getPRStatus instead
a string representing the repo's quorum. default is ".34"