I'm an experienced DevOps and full-stack web developer. I'm doing increasingly more systems programming and zero-knowledge circuits work. Don't be afraid to reach out if you want.
I also use SourceHut (https://sr.ht/~tsujp) with mirrors to GitHub where appropriate.
- Noir, Solidity (some).
- EVM.
- POSIX Shell, Bash.
- C, Zig, Go (some), Rust (some).
- TypeScript (Bun or Node.js), Ruby, .NET (5 and 6), Crystal, Python, CSS, F# (some).
- Linux (Ubuntu, Fedora, Alpine, Void), SystemD units.
- Kubernetes, Helm, Docker(Compose), Nomad, Vault, Consul.
- Terraform, Ansible, Elastic, Logstash, SaltStack, Kafka.
- All the usual ones: React, Rails, ASP.NET 5, VueJS, NextJS, Svelte, SolidJS.
- Azure, AWS, Alibaba, GCP (some).
Don't be afraid to reach out if you want.