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A Prometheus Exporter/Collector for ChinaCache CDN API serving a Prometheus Pushgateway

What is this repository for?

  • This repository packages three important modules with different capabilities:
    • client.go: is the communicating interface between an application and the ChinaCache-API
      • on demand, it executes HTTP-Requests to fetch metrics from ChinaCache
      • the resulting JSON-response is then read into a go-struct conforming the JSON structure
    • collector.go: asks the client to get those metrics and accesses the resulting struct's fields
      • from these fields, it creates metrics conforming to the conventions of Prometheus
      • it also implements the Collector interface defined by Prometheus
      • the functions Describe and Collect are called passively by another application/module or on scrape by a prometheus server
    • main.go: initializes client and collector and pushes the resulting metrics to a prometheus pushgateway

Package Management

  • This project uses dep as package manager
  • versions are tracked in Gopkg.lock
  • dep settings are included in Gopkg.toml
  • get dep here:

Test locally via Prometheus (on Linux)

  1. define the following environment-variables to grant access to your ChinaCache-Account and to the PushGateway:
    • CHINACACHE_INTERVAL (optional query interval in Golang duration format. By default, fetch metrics once and exit)
    • PUSHGATEWAY (default for the docker image: http://localhost:9091)
    • QUERYTIME (optional)
  2. have Prometheus downloaded and installed locally
  3. start Prometheus using the config-file from this repo:
    • sudo prometheus -config.file=prometheus.yml
  4. download the docker image of the pushgateway:
    • docker pull prom/pushgateway
  5. start it:
    • sudo docker run -d -p 9091:9091 prom/pushgateway
  6. build and run the repo:
    • go build bin/cc
    • ./bin/cc

Exposed Metrics

Metrics fetched from "normal" API:


  • ChinaCache_metrics_isp_total_bytes

    • HELP: Total Traffic in Bytes
    • TYPE: GaugeValue
    • Labels: channel = [one of the available channel IDs]
  • ChinaCache_metrics_isp_specific_flux_ratio

    • HELP: Flow Rate for a single ISP.
    • TYPE: GaugeValue
    • Labels:
      • channel = [one of the available channel IDs]
      • isp = [name of the specific ISP translated from chinese]
    • NOTE: These metrics specific to single regions are only available if the queried time-frame crosses two days, as they are only created once per day.
  • ChinaCache_metrics_hit_miss_total

    • HELP: Hits and Misses total values.
    • TYPE: GaugeValue
    • Labels:
      • channel = [one of the available channel IDs]
      • HitOrMiss = [Hit|Miss]
  • ChinaCache_metrics_region_total_bytes

    • HELP: Total Traffic in Bytes.
    • TYPE: GaugeValue
    • Labels: channel = [one of the available channel IDs]
  • ChinaCache_metrics_region_specific_flux_ratio

    • HELP: Flow Rate for a single region.
    • TYPE: GaugeValue
    • Labels:
      • channel = [one of the available channel IDs]
      • region = [Province]
      • name = [name of the specific region translated from chinese]
    • NOTE: These metrics specific to single regions are only available if the queried time-frame crosses two days, as they are only created once per day.

Metrics fetched from REST-API:


  • ChinaCache_metrics_statuscodes_request_percent

    • HELP: Percentage of Requests that result in the given StatusCode.
    • TYPE: GaugeValue
    • Labels:
      • channel = [one of the available channel IDs]
      • StatusCode = [200|404|...]
  • ChinaCache_metrics_statuscodes_request_count

    • HELP: Number of Requests that result in the given StatusCode.
    • TYPE: GaugeValue
    • Labels:
      • channel = [one of the available channel IDs]
      • StatusCode = [200|404|...]