Sample repo for integrating Spring DI/config into Karate
Java 17+
- This project uses the Gradle Java Toolchain to install Java 21 if necessary, but you will at least need Java 17 or higher setup as yourJAVA_HOME
to run Gradle itself.
gradlew bootRun
Swagger documentation is available at http://localhost:${server.port}/swagger-ui/index.html
gradlew test
- Ensure the application is running before running the tests
- Port on which the application will run. Default is 8080
- Tells the Karate tests on which port the application is running. Default is 8080
- Number of threads to run the tests. Default is 5.
- Show the test logs in the console. Default is true.
- Expiration time for the JWT token in milliseconds. Default 15000.
- Secret key to sign the JWT token.