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Trébol eCommerce Angular Frontend

Current status 📓

Aligned against Trébol API v1.5.0. Important features in this version of the API include endpoints that trigger events for changing state of orders:

  • POST /data/sales/confirmation - When the payment is accepted, and the contents are ready to be delivered to the customer
  • POST /data/sales/rejection - When any problem is found, the contents cannot be delivered and the customer must be refunded
  • POST /data/sales/completion - When the contents were delivered to the customer, indicating the sell was successful

Fake API implementation is included to preview this functionality as well.

Please see for a detailed overview of the latest changes & additions to the codebase.

Features 🚀

Live Demo

Visit the application live demo in this link.

To access the administrative/management section and all its features, click on the button with an user icon in the top right corner of the screen. It should greet you with the login dialog. Then type admin as both username and password in it. And then, the aforementioned button should have a menu with the option to navigate to the admin panel.

Mock data

This demo is powered by a feature module that provides data stored in hard-coded JS arrays; this means that your browser's working memory acts as a fake and volatile persistence layer. You can try all CRUD-related functionalities as you'd expect, but if you force a reload or leave the application, all changes in data will be lost.

At scale, I interchangeably call this the "fake API" and the "local-memory module". In both cases I mean the same thing.

Most, if not all of the mock data was created using Mockaroo.


The application itself is divided into modules in the /src/app/ directory, and its structure is as follows:

  • store/ most of the public-facing components; there's the frontpage (aka the product catalog), the checkout page, and the receipt page
  • management/ the administrative area of the app: there you register, update and categorize products; create users; list customers; upload images, etcetera
  • shared/ exports Angular components, directives, and general elements that are used by other modules, and the application as a whole
  • api/ contains interfaces, modules, and dependency injection tokens to interact with the backend REST API
    • local-memory/ serves a fake API basically running in the browser itself; it's the default option to build and serve with; and the demo uses it too
    • http/ serves an access to a real API through HTTP calls; these require a real, running backend with an exposed REST API compliant to the specification linked above

The api module is imported through an environment file which makes it painless to switch between implementations.


This project uses Angular i18n features; this means you can build the app using different languages. Currently bundled locales reside in /src/locales. There are three:

  • en-US
  • es
  • es-CL

If you wish to translate this frontend to another language, check out this Angular guide on working with translation files.

Getting started 👍


How to use

  1. Clone this repo, using git clone or your preferred GUI tool for Git
  2. Execute npm ci in the root directory (where package.json resides)
  3. Execute ng s or ng serve in the root directory to preview-run the application. This is equivalent to visiting the live demo linked above.
  4. To work with a backend, you should set up your working environment.


Unit test suites run using Jasmine. The steps to make them run are simple: Execute ng t --no-watch --browsers={browser} in the root directory to test the entire application inmediately, only once.

When developing/hacking though, you might find it better to have the app run tests whenever you change any part of the code (like ng serve does). To do that instead:

  1. Execute ng t or ng test in the root directory to simply start the Karma server.
  2. Connect to its listening address (e.g. localhost:9876) with your browser.
  3. In the root directory, under a different process, execute karma run. OR you can press the DEBUG button in the browser window, to initiate the test suites in debug mode.

Configure the build / serve process

  • Make yourself comfortable with the official guide on Building and Serving Angular Apps.
  • Default environment files already exist in /src/environments/
    • environment.ts defines variables
    • environment-modules.ts defines module dependencies
  • The /src/angular.json file contains some additional configs; I mostly use staging, localhost and production. The latter two require you to define environment files as specified by their fileReplacements definitions.
    • There's also a configuration for each bundled locale other than default en-US.
    • You can use more than one configuration, but some of the definitions will collide. Please do have a look at them before trying to use them.
  • This project also declares the angular-cli-ghpages plugin as a devDependency, which you may find useful to deploy to a GitHub Pages environment like in the live demo.

Quick configuration steps

  1. Create a copy of the two environment files and rename them accordingly from your desired configuration e.g. environment.localhost.ts and environment-modules.localhost.ts.
  2. Call ng s or ng b Angular CLI command using the -c option to target said configuration e.g. ng b -c production. You can target more than one, separating them by commas ,.
  3. If you used ng b, serve the files from your preferred webserver. I often do php -S localhost:80 from the resulting ./dist/ngx-trebol-frontend/ directory. If you use any of the above mentioned locales you'll have to either: A) mind the corresponding subdirectory B) remove, comment or change the value of the <base> tag in the generated index.html

Contributing to this repository 😍

I accept all kinds of contributions! However, please review the contribution guidelines before proceeding.

I also accept help writing better contribution guidelines.

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):


Douglas Modena
Douglas Modena


Aamir Bakhtiar
Aamir Bakhtiar

Naz Islam
Naz Islam


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!