This is Django based website that allows people to inspect the results of a LOFAR transients pipeline run. It will show light curves and images for found transients (in fact, all found sources), as well as some diagnostics.
It's main purposes currently is to provide an easy way for people to browse through the data obtained from a transients pipeline run.
The actual installation is, at the moment, simply a matter of cloning the git repository.
Check that you have the necessary dependencies (see below), then take the following steps:
Put jquery.js in tkpweb/staticfiles/javascript/ (from Note that you can also change the link in tkpweb/templates/base.html
copy the templates to their respective names (i.e., remove "_template" from their copy). There are four files:
- tkpweb/settings.py_template
- tkpweb/apps/database/views.py_tempmlate
- tkp.cfg_template
- runserver.bash_template
edit tkpweb/
- verify that you're happy with the default database settings
- edit the SECRET_KEY.
- if required, enable the MongoDB image store and enter the details of your MongoDB database.
edit tkpweb/apps/database/
- fill out the necessary servers, ports and passwords to access your database(s), so that these can be listed and set on the webpages
edit the tkp.cfg file to point to your default database
set up a Django database by running:
python syncdb
at the base level
alter the runserver.bash script to set the PYTHONPATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH variables correctly.
You can also add a server name and port at the end of the "python runserver" line; see the django documentation for more information.
Convert the *scss files in the static directories to css files, using sass
sass base.scss:base.css
Collect the static files
python collectstatic
Now you can start the development server:
Python (2.6 or 2.7).
The TKP library (with all its dependencies).
Django (> 1.3):
For the necessary (server side) web framework.
Matplotlib (> 1):
AplPy (> 0.9.6):
For the image plots.
AplPy requires numpy and matplotlib, as well as:
Sass, to convert the scss files to CSS files. See
(Optionally) PyMongo (including GridFS) to fetch images from a MongoDB databse:
TKP-web is licensed under the very liberal ISC license (