Exam: Acceptance Test–Driven Development based on Concordion
Exam is oriented on declarative end-to-end black\graybox application testing in a way a manual tester would do it: send request, verify response\database\message queue etc.
- Declarative glue-code free approach
- Attractive, flexible documentation
- Widely used set of testing tools under the hood: dbunit, xml-unit, json-unit
// Typical microservices setup (Web API + DB + MQ) testing:
testImplementation "io.github.adven27:exam-ms:<version>"
//same as:
//testImplementation "io.github.adven27:exam-ws:<version>"
//testImplementation "io.github.adven27:exam-db:<version>"
//testImplementation "io.github.adven27:exam-mq:<version>"