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Releases: torbenraab/plane


11 Oct 15:24
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❗❗ IMPORTANT: When upgrading to v0.23, make sure you are using the latest version of Docker Compose. If you are on a custom Docker setup, you'll need to install RabbitMQ and provide the necessary env variables in app-env.

Includes everything from and


11 Sep 07:36
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v0.22-dev Pre-release

Release as of v0.22-dev

Update OIDC Flow and Compatibility, Updated God Mode Interface

Currently not working: Auto OIDC (coming later)


22 Apr 14:44
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v0.17-dev Pre-release

Release as of v0.17-dev


22 Apr 14:40
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v0.18-dev Pre-release

Release as of v0.18-dev

Fixes for OIDC:

  • add state to the redirect url to have better compatibility
  • #26


07 Mar 13:31
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26 Feb 08:58
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v0.15.4-dev Pre-release

Release as of

Docker Images are now available in ARM64 as well as in AMD64


01 Feb 14:46
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v0.15-dev Pre-release

First Release with OpenID Connect Functionality

As this is the first release after the added OpenID Functionality this is also the first unofficial release that supports OpenID Connect.
If you find any issue please don't hesitate and share it with us. We will sort it out.

Thanks for using this customized version!

Find the original Release here: v0.15-dev and the original release notes:

Notifications in your inbox, a view of all running cycles, and tons of improvements. Yes, an equal number of bugs squashed, too. Dive in. ⬇️


You asked for it and we delivered.
Introducing Email Notifications with preference controls makeplane#3421 makeplane#3457

Introducing Active Cycles
See all running cycles across projects in your workspace from—wait for it—a single screen. makeplane#3378

All-new Dashboards
Dashboards now sport some swank, with a clean new look and a ton of personalization. makeplane#3362

Now, deploy the Plane Docker image in one-click. makeplane#3474


When an issue opens in Peek-over view, you now know which issue you have opened—as in you can see it instead of relying on memory and intuition. makeplane#3514
Issues without Start and Target dates also show up in the Gantt layout now. makeplane#3487
Every issue can be added into multiple modules now. makeplane#3484
Guests and Viewers can now comment on issues. We are still working on packing enough difference between those roles that they make a whole lot of sense. makeplane#3515
When you land on a screen and its empty, you will now see a preview for what it's supposed to look like with a comment to help you get the most out of it. makeplane#3448
All non-configured screens for Labels, Integrations, and Estimates now sport clean and helpful messages to help guide you to their set-up. With labels, when you set a label, the empty state goes away. makeplane#3319
All dates everywhere now look and behave the same way—a better and easier way. makeplane#3283
You can now escape, enter, and tab through all modals. Clicking outside a modal works like the Esc key and closes the modal. makeplane#3332
Drag handles in Pages and Issue details are now easier to hold and drag. makeplane#3401
All links in Pages now show a quick-edit menu that lets you remove them, edit them, or copy them. More improvements coming! makeplane#3335
Making all you can do in Pages faster and feel natural took a lot of work. Read the PR for the sausage-making, head over to Pages to try the sausage. makeplane#3397
Galileo, our AI, gets a little better at reading issue titles or your unique texts and coughing up descriptions that you expect. makeplane#3276
By popular feedback, hitting Enter in an issue comment submits the issue now instead of creating a new line. Shift + Enter now to create a new line. makeplane#3499
Code blocks and in-line code are easier to toggle on and off. Use space to exit out of in-line-code writing and stay in the same line or with the right-arrow key to go to the next line. makeplane#3318, makeplane#3446
Peek-over view and Issues details are now prettier and cleaner. makeplane#3447
Upcoming cycles now show a more accurate message instead of a confusing status message. makeplane#3319
Filtering your issues will now show you a loader icon—sort of like a wait sign—before we show the your filtered issues. This gets rid of the headache-causing flicker from before. makeplane#3406
Making changes to your workspace doesn't show an infinite Loading message. makeplane#3319
Two things. makeplane#3415
Self-managed instances can now use unique codes to sign in if SMTP is configured.
We have a separate sign-up page now for new users. We will make it better over the next few releases.
Now, when you enter your e-mail address to log in, we don't send you mixed signals about the address. That field is grayed out while you wait for the code, but you can use the X in the corner to enter a different address. makeplane#3307
Similarly, when you move over to the Email field under a user's Settings, you see a mouse cursor that tells you the field is uneditable. makeplane#3319
The menu under your profile icon now closes when you click an item. makeplane#3319
The breadcrumb for Integrations under Workspace settings was called Exports. It's called Integrations now. Much clearer, we hope.
The Postgres-password problem with local setups is now fixed. makeplane#3390
A ton of changes to make all Issues screens—Layouts, Cycles, Modules—load faster when you land on them the first time, improve updates to issues anywhere, and reflect those changes everywhere. makeplane#3228

Cycles and Modules now show up as soon as you are done adding them. No refreshes required. makeplane#3466
Estimates now follow the order you add or update them in rather than by ascending number. makeplane#3326
Switching between two project's Settings pages works right now. makeplane#3290
The cursor in the Identifier field in the Project details modal behaved erratically. It doesn't anymore. makeplane#3320
Custom themes now work correctly for all color fields and the Custom Theme picker doesn't show a Color Picker either. makeplane#3284
There was an unnecessary horizontal scroll on All Issues when you had more views than the screen could contain. That's gone now. makeplane#3300
Hitting Backspace on your keyboard didn't take out the Divider when it came at the end of a page. Backspace removes Dividers now. makeplane#3507
Now you can delete imports without the confirmation box disobeying you. makeplane#3415

Made Plane a little more secure, which we do everyday anyway.