This project is ultimately about standardizing the color themes of Code Editors (or IDE) like IntelliJ editors, Visual Studio Code (VSCode), Sublime Text, etc.
I'm switching once in a while between different editors and I like to take my theme with me to another editor. Fact is that there's no guarantee your preferred theme is available for your new fellow editor. That's why this project exists.
The idea is to create an intermediate CodeTheme Standard. It should act like an intermediate format to use to convert themes from format A to B or C and vice versa.
Besides this intermedia format it's a good idea to integrate this in these editors by creating a plugin for each editor. That plugin could connect all great themes from all different code editors to your favourite editor.
As many Code editors and IDE's as possible. Starting with the one('s) I use by myself:
- Visual Studio Code (I'm using the fork VSCodium for privacy reasons)
- Sublime Text
- IntelliJ (PyCharm, PHPStorm, WebStorm)
is licensed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0
(c) 2021, by an idea of