This tool will take a list URLs of the sites, identify a correct form of the URL and run HTTP GET request against the URL to check its HTTP status. In cases where the address is not completely specified - a protocol is missing, 'www' part is not included when it is needed - a correct form of the URL will be identified. The library will also validate the correctness of the URL and in cases of redirection will return a target URL.
It is a Clojure library. Additionaly an interface to call it from Java is provided. As well as native binary distribution to be used as a command line tool.
- Provides the interface for a single URL check.
- Provides the interface for bulk URL checks.
- In the case of bulk URL check library parallelizes checking to ensure maximum speed of the entire process.
- In cases of incompletely formed URLs correct protocol (http or https) will be detected. Access with 'www' part if it is missing will also be tested.
- Redirection will be detected and target URL returned.
- URL check returns the following data: HTTP status, target URL, response time.
Use URL checker can be started from the command line with the following instruction
./url-checker test/resources/bulk-test.txt
See bellow for the output sample.
URL checker can be executed via command line using intalled Clojure tools. Execution example with project's test url set:
clojure -m fast-url-check.core test/resources/bulk-test.txt
Or via project's Makefile
make check-urls file-name=test/resources/bulk-test.txt
This will result in CSV formated output of URL checking results
Singe URL check example.
(require '[fast-url-check.core :refer :all])
(check-access "")
{:url "",
:seed "",
:status 200,
:response-time 7,
:status-type :accessible}
Bulk URL check example
(check-access-bulk ["" "" ""])
({:url "",
:seed "",
:status 200,
:response-time 10,
:status-type :accessible}
{:url "",
:seed "",
:status 200,
:response-time 46,
:status-type :accessible}
{:url "",
:seed "",
:status 301,
:response-time 379,
:status-type :redirect})
Java code example:
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
public class MyClass {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String[] urls = {"", ""};
Collection<Map> validatedUrls = URLCheck.checkAccessBulk(Arrays.asList(urls));
for(Map validatedUrl : validatedUrls) {
This tool aims to provide top performance in bulk URL checking. This repository includes a reference set of 1000 URLs for consistent performance checking.
Benchmark test executed against the reference URL set performs with average 0.3 seconds per URL. Execution times are subject to the network conditions and hardware the tests are executed on.
Benchmark test can be launched with make benchmark
Copyright © 2019 TokenMill UAB.
Distributed under the The Apache License, Version 2.0.