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-- Daigaku --

Table of Contents

  • I. Project description
  • II. Techstack
  • III. Running the application
  • IV. Roadmap
  • V. Sneak peak

I. Project Description

  • The application follows the university application process of high school students and handles complex student-mentor-admin relationships.
  • Upon registering, users with student access are able to join an institution (i.e. their school) and have a mentor user assigned to them.
  • Users with mentor permission are able to access all applications submitted by their allocated students and perform various aggregate operations.
  • Users with institution admin permission receive admin rights for their institution (e.g. accept incoming student registration requests or access detailed aggregate reports), while system admins have application-wide rights and data overview.
  • A currently work-in-progress learning-project application with new features being continuously developed and added.

II. Techstack

    + ReactJS (Vite template)               - javascript library and build tool.
    + Typescript                            - javascript extension.
    + React Router                          - client-side routing solution.
    + React Query                           - data fetching and server state manager solution.
    + React Hook Form                       - form managing library.
    + Styled Components                     - css-in-javascript styling solution.
    + Fontawesome                           - icon library.
    + Axios                                 - http client.
    + ESLint                                - static code analysis tool.
    + Prettier                              - code formatter tool.
    + Java Spring Boot                      - java framework.
    + Spring Data JPA / Hibernate ORM       - persistence application layer.
    + Spring Security                       - authentication and access-control layer.
    + JWT                                   - authentication token solution.
    + Jakarta Validation                    - annotation-based validation library.
    + Spring Mail                           - email sending library.
    + RabbitMQ                              - message broker solution.
    + Playwright                            - frontend ui testing library.
    + JUnit, Mockito                        - backend testing libraries.
    + PostgreSQL                            - relational database management system.
    + Redis                                 - cache storage solution.
    + AWS S3                                - file storage solution.
    + Docker                                - containerisation solution.
    + Postman                               - api testing tool.
    + RabbitMQ Management UI                - management and monitoring tool.

III. Running the application

  • Have Docker installed on your local machine.
  • Clone the repository.
  • In a terminal panel, stand in the project root:
    • run bash to generate environment variables. Follow the directions in the script.
    • run bash to build the project and set up the containarised Docker environment.
    • run http://localhost/ in a browser window.
  • On the application's login page you may log in with the following credentials:

IV. Roadmap

student user features:

  • submit a new application.
  • view aggregate application data in a table format.
  • edit invidivual applications.
  • request application deletion.
  • friend request feature to be able to see each others' applications.
  • set applications to private state to hide them from friends.
  • download application data in .pdf format.

mentor user features:

  • submit application instead of a student.
  • view/edit assigned students' applications.
  • download assigned students' applications data in .pdf format.

institution-admin user features:

  • view/edit/delete all mentors within their institution.
  • view/edit/delete all students within their institution.
  • accept/refuse incoming institution student/mentor join requests.
  • delete applications requests.
  • promote/demote mentors to institution-admin role.
  • download institution-wide application data in .pdf format.

system-admin user features:

  • view/edit/delete all institutions.
  • view/edit/delete all institutions-admins.
  • view/edit/delete all mentors.
  • view/edit/delete all students.
  • access / download global data reports.

application-wide features:

  • login/registration functionality.
  • comment section under individual applications.
  • editable profile page.
  • user in-app messaging system.
  • various system-related forms to expand functionality (feedback, university request, etc.).


  • [on-going] ui tests.
  • [on-going] unit tests.
  • [on-going] integration tests.

devops features:

  • containerisation.
  • github CI/CD.
  • deployment.

V. Sneak peak


