A libasm tester for 42 student struggling to find asm lover to help them Now based on libunit
bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/titi-rex/leadwasp_libasm_tester/main/script/install.sh)"
You can clone the repo where you want, the good path should be set automatically in alias (if you followed Installation)
Dependencies : make gcc
You are provided with two alias : use lw
inside your project repo or leadwasp
with -l path/to/libasm.a
You can ask for all
or specific function :
lw mandatory
lw -v a
lw -v strlen strcpy list_size
lw bonus
leadwasp -l /home/ellanae/libasm -n libasm.v2.a
Flags :
specify tester location (default: automatically set in aliaslw/leadwasp
specify library location (default:../
specify library name (default:libasm.a
launch test with valgrind (wip)-v
quit (wip)-c
clear obj and exe files-h
show help