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Dockerized groupware server with many customizable options

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This will build a Dockerfile for Nextcloud - a web based groupware solution.

  • Includes fail2ban for bad authentication blocking
  • Includes Nextcloud Hi Performance Files Backend


Table of Contents

Prerequisites and Assumptions

  • Assumes you are using some sort of SSL terminating reverse proxy such as:


Build from Source

Clone this repository and build the image with docker build <arguments> (imagename) .

Prebuilt Images

Builds of the image are available on Docker Hub and is the recommended method of installation.

The following image tags are available along with their tagged release based on what's written in the Changelog:

Version Container OS Tag
23 Alpine :23-latest
22 Alpine :22-latest
21 Alpine :21-latest

Multi Architecture

Images are built primarily for amd64 architecture, and may also include builds for arm/v6, arm/v7, arm64 and others. These variants are all unsupported. Consider sponsoring my work so that I can work with various hardware. To see if this image supports multiple architecures, type docker manifest (image):(tag)


Quick Start

The first boot can take from 2 minutes - 5 minutes depending on your CPU to setup the proper schemas.

Persistent Storage

The following directories are used for configuration and can be mapped for persistent storage.

Upgrading from an earlier version of this image running Nextcloud 20 or earlier? See Upgrading from the 2.x Series

Directory Description
/data/userdata Nextcloud Data
/www/nextcloud/config Nextcloud Configuration Directory
/data/apps Custom Apps downloaded from Plugin Store
/data/themes Custom Themes Directory
/data/cache Cache Directory
/data/tmp Temporary Directory
/data/templates/ Templates Directory
/www/logs Nginx / php-fpm / Nextcloud logfiles

Base Images used

This image relies on an Alpine Linux base image that relies on an init system for added capabilities. Outgoing SMTP capabilities are handlded via msmtp. Individual container performance monitoring is performed by zabbix-agent. Additional tools include: bash,curl,less,logrotate,nano,vim.

Be sure to view the following repositories to understand all the customizable options:

Image Description
OS Base Customized Image based on Alpine Linux
Nginx Nginx webserver
PHP-FPM PHP Interpreter

If you there are features that you wish to override based on the defaults and for some reason the environment variables are not working, create a file called custom.config.php in your data/config directory

Parameter Description Default
ADMIN_USER Admin user e.g. admin
ADMIN_PASS Admin pass e.g. password
DOMAIN The Domain that this is configured for e.g. ''
DB_TYPE Set the DB_TYPE - e.g. mysql, postgres, sqlite3 sqlite3
DB_HOST Hostname of DB Server e.g. nextcloud-db
DB_NAME Database name e.g. nextcloud
DB_PORT Database port e.g. 3306
DB_USER Username for Database e.g. nextcloud
DB_PASS Password for Database e.g. password
IFRAME_DOMAINS Comma seperated value of domains/hostnames you want to allow loading the site via an IFrame e.g.
MONITORING_APPLICATION_TOKEN Monitoring Application Token if 'serverinfo' application installed

This image automatically configures nextcloud with the following options as defined in config.sample.php.

Variable Description Nextcloud Attribute Default
ANIMATED_GIFS_MAX_FILESIZE Max file size for Animated Gifs max_filesize_animated_gifs_public_sharing 10
CACHE_DIRECTORY Cache Directory (leave blank for default) ``
CIPHER Encryption Cipher cipher AES-256-CFB
DEFAULT_APPLICATION Default Application users see defaultapp files
DEFAULT_LANGUAGE Default Language to Install default_language en
DEFAULT_LOCALE Default Locale default_locale en_US
ENABLE_APP_CODE_CHECKER Check for signatures on all code appcodechecker TRUE
ENABLE_APP_STORE Enable App Store appstoreenabled TRUE
ENABLE_CHECK_WELLKNOWN Enable .wellknown check in admin TRUE
ENABLE_DISPLAY_NAME_CHANGE Allow user to change name allow_user_to_change_display_name TRUE
ENABLE_FILESYSTEM_CHECK_CHANGES Check changes on Filesystem in Background filesystem_check_changes FALSE
ENABLE_FILE_LOCKING Enable File Locking filelocking.enabled TRUE
ENABLE_KNOWLEDGE_BASE Enable Help Menu knowledgebaseenabled TRUE
ENABLE_LOGIN_FORM_AUTOCOMPLETE Allow Autocomplete on Login Pages login_form_autocomplete TRUE
ENABLE_LOG_QUERY Enable Logging DB Queries log_query FALSE
ENABLE_MYSQL_UTF8MB4 Enable 4 byte strings for MariaDB mysql.utf8mb4 TRUE
ENABLE_PARTFILE_UPLOADS_STORAGE Enable uploading .part files in same location TRUE
ENABLE_PREVIEWS Enable Document Previews enable_previews TRUE
ENABLE_SESSION_KEEPALIVE Enable Keepalive sessions session_keepalive TRUE
ENABLE_SIGN_UP Allow Signups to Instance simpleSignUpLink.shown TRUE
ENABLE_SMTP_AUTHENTICATION Enable SMTP Authentication mail_smtpauth FALSE
ENABLE_TOKEN_AUTH_ENFORCED Enforce logging in with Tokens for Clients token_auth_enforced FALSE
FILE_LOCKING_DEBUG Debug File Locking filelocking.debug FALSE
FORCE_LANGUAGE Force Language force_language en
FORCE_LOCALE Force Locale force_locale en_US
HASHING_COST Performance Cost for Hashing hashingCost 10
LDAP_CLEANUP_INTERVAL How many minutes to cleanup LDAP users ldapUserCleanupInterval 51
LOG_DATE_FORMAT Format for Date and Time in logs logdateformat Y-m-d H:i:s
LOG_DIR Log Directory logfile /www/logs/nextcloud
LOG_FILE_AUDIT Audit Log file audit.log
LOG_FILE_FLOW Workflow Log File flow.log
LOG_LEVEL Log Level loglevel 2
LOG_TIMEZONE Timezone for Logfile logtimezone Container Timezone
OVERWRITE_HOST Override the hostname for URLs overwritehost ``
OVERWRITE_PROTOCOL Override the Protocol if behind proxy overwriteprotocol ``
PREVIEW_MAX_X Maximum Pixels for Previews (X) preview_max_x 200
PREVIEW_MAX_Y Maximum Pixels for Previews (Y) preview_max_y 200
SHARE_FOLDER Change root path of all shares to users /
SHARING_ENABLE_ACCEPT Enable Sharing Acceptance features FALSE
SHARING_ENABLE_MAIL Enable Sharing Mail Notification TRUE
SHARING_FORCE_ACCEPT Force Sharing Acceptance features FALSE
SHARING_MAX_AUTOCOMPLETE_RESULTS Maximum results returned when searching sharing.maxAutocompleteResults 0
SHARING_MIN_SEARCHSTRING_LENGTH How many characters to type before searching sharing.minSearchStringLength 2
SKELETON_DIRECTORY What folder is copied to new users folders on first login skeletondirectory ${NGINX_WEBROOT}/core/skeleton
SMTP_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE Type of SMTP Authentication mail_smtpauthtype NONE
SMTP_DEBUG Debug SMTP activities mail_smtpdebug FALSE
SMTP_DOMAIN Email Domain for Outbound mail mail_domain
SMTP_FROM Account name for Outbound Email, SMTP_DOMAIN will be added mail_from_address noreply
SMTP_HOST Remote SMTP Host mail_smtphost postfix_relay
SMTP_PASS SMTP Password mail_smtppassword ``
SMTP_PORT SMTP Port mail_smtpport 25
SMTP_SECURE tls,ssl if SMTP is TLS/SSL encrypted mail_smtpsecure FALSE
SMTP_SEND_PLAINTEXT_ONLY Send Plaintext Email Only mail_send_plaintext_only FALSE
SMTP_TIMEOUT Timeout for SMTP connections mail_smtptimeout 10
SMTP_USER SMTP Username (user part) mail_smtpname ``
SORT_GROUPS_BY_NAME Sort groups by name as opposed to most users sort_groups_by_name FALSE
TRASHBIN_RETENTION How to deal with users trashbins trashbin_retention_obligation auto
VERSIONS_RETENTION How to deal with File Versions versions_retention_obligation auto


The following ports are exposed.

Port Description

Upgrading from the 2.x Series

  • If you are upgrading from the 2.x series of images (Nextcloud 20 and below) please note that the following environment variables have been introduced

  • TEMP_DIRECTORY - For holding temporary files

  • CACHE_DIRECTORY - Moving the "Cache" per user out of their user data folder for those using S3 Backend for performance reasons

  • APP_DIRECTORY - Applications downloaded from the App Store

  • DATA_DIRECTORY - Users Data Directory

  • You will also need to export new volumes if you are using the new defaults to these paths above:

Environment Variable 2.x Images volume mapping New Image mapping
APP_DIRECTORY /www/nextcloud/custom-apps /data/apps
CACHE_DIRECTORY unset /data/cache
DATA_DIRECTORY /www/nextcloud/data /data/userdata
SKELETON_DIRECTORY ${NGINX_WEBROOT}/core/skeleton /data/templates/skeleton
TEMP_DIRECTORY unset /data/tmp
  • Additionally you will need to make a change to the database to support the change of the data location as listed here.


Shell Access

For debugging and maintenance purposes you may want access the containers shell.

bash docker exec -it (whatever your container name is) bash


These images were built to serve a specific need in a production environment and gradually have had more functionality added based on requests from the community.


  • The Discussions board is a great place for working with the community on tips and tricks of using this image.
  • Consider sponsoring me personalized support.


  • Please, submit a Bug Report if something isn't working as expected. I'll do my best to issue a fix in short order.

Feature Requests

  • Feel free to submit a feature request, however there is no guarantee that it will be added, or at what timeline.
  • Consider sponsoring me regarding development of features.


  • Best effort to track upstream changes, More priority if I am actively using the image in a production environment.
  • Consider sponsoring me for up to date releases.


MIT. See LICENSE for more details.
