In this application we can easily track each and every users.
- Using this platform we can simplify the attendance system.
- We can track the approved and disapproved leaves as well as we can see the disapproved reason.
- Approved and disapproved status will be automattically sent an users email.
- User can generate a monthly attendance report in PDF format.
- User also can see his remaining and taken leaves.
- Automated birthday reminder sent to an user.
- We can assign task to the users and also we can track of it.
- If there is any events then the user can see his/her dashboard itself.
Step 1
* Create virtualenv
* Activate virtualenv
Step 2
* cd EmployeesManagement
* pip install -r requirments.txt
* python migrate
* python createsuperuser
* python runserver
- Tilak T
This project is licensed under the MIT License