Releases: three11/react-template-ts
Releases · three11/react-template-ts
Updated Stylelint config
Migrate to ViteJS
This release migrates from Webpack to Vite as a module bundler.
This release also migrates away from Enzyme to React Testing Library.
Fix i18n in the built version
1.10.2 Fix i18n in the built version
Fix locales management
This release correctly imports the locales from the .mjs
Updated localization config
This release includes an update to the way the localization is being handled.
This release also updates all dependencies to their latest versions.
React 18
Updated CI configurations
This release
- includes updated CI configurations for
- Github Actions
- Travis CI
- Gitlab CI
- adds CI configuration for Circle CI
- upgrades all dependencies
Update dependencies
This release cleans up unused dependencies and updates the rest.
Fix i18n and update dependencies
This release fixes a bug with i18next configuration file
This release also updates some of the development dependencies
Upgraded dependencies
1.6.2 Bump version