See: Weldon RJ, Biasi GP. Appendix I: Probability of detection of ground rupture at paleoseismic sites. US Geol. Surv. Open‐File Rept. 2013‐1165‐I, and California Geol. Surv. Special Rept. 228‐I. 2013.
from detectpaleo import dpaleo
See the Jupyter notebooks
- workflow_general.ipynb : A general setup for detectability of ground rupture at paleoseismic sites
- workflow_informalUCERF3.ipynb : An informal implementation of UCERf3 models
- workout_gev_surfslipdist.ipynb : An analysis for Generalized Extreme Value Distribution Model for Surface Slip Distribution
Note: The units used here are: slip in metres,and magntude Mw
- prob_detectsurfrup(magnitude=-1, model="UCERf3", doplot = False) returns probability
- plot_prob_detectsurfrup(model="UCERF3")
- Model can be also a name of a file (along with it's relative or absolute location).
- File should contain list of comma separated values: magnitude, probability
- mag2avg_surfslip(magnitude=-1, model="UCERF3")
- Alternately, model = NZNSHM2022 (derived from simplied mag-area scaling, dominant strike-slip faulting) or TMG2017 (pending implementation)
- returns average surface slip
- plot_mag2avg_surfslip(model="UCERF3")
- slip_profile(avg_surfslip, x_by_RL=np.linspace(0.05, 0.5,50), model='sinesqrt')
- returns slip values at locations x_by_R, based on a sinesqrt functionL. The location is that normalized by rupture length
- sinesqrt(x)
- returns slip values at locations x_by_RL, based on a sinesqrt function. The location is that normalized by rupture length
- plot_sinesqrt()
- prob_detectpaleoslip(sampledslip, prob_sampledslip = 1, model="wrightwood2013", slipfactor=1)
- slipfactor (typically, <=1.0) is to enable modulations on detectability of slip
- returns probability
- plot_prob_detect_paleoslip(model="wrightwood2013")
prob_slip_profpoint (slip_x, xi=-1, model = "UCERF3", normalized = False)
- Alternately, model = "GEV"
- return sampledslip, slipprob
- returns the GEV parameters (shape, location, scale) for a given location fRL on rupture profile