Reference implementations of heap data structures in Go
$ go get -u
- Pairing Heap: A pairing heap is a type of heap data structure with relatively simple implementation and excellent practical amortized performance.
- Leftist Heap: a variant of a binary heap. Every node has an s-value which is the distance to the nearest leaf. In contrast to a binary heap, a leftist tree attempts to be very unbalanced.
- Skew Heap: A skew heap (or self-adjusting heap) is a heap data structure implemented as a binary tree. Skew heaps are advantageous because of their ability to merge more quickly than binary heaps.
- Fibonacci Heap: a Fibonacci heap is a data structure for priority queue operations, consisting of a collection of heap-ordered trees. It has a better amortized running time than many other priority queue data structures including the binary heap and binomial heap.
- Binomial Heap: A Binomial Heap is a collection of Binomial Trees. A Binomial Heap is a set of Binomial Trees where each Binomial Tree follows Min Heap property. And there can be at most one Binomial Tree of any degree.
- Treap Heap: A Treap and the randomized binary search tree are two closely related forms of binary search tree data structures that maintain a dynamic set of ordered keys and allow binary searches among the keys.
- Rank Pairing Heap: A heap (priority queue) implementation that combines the asymptotic efficiency of Fibonacci heaps with much of the simplicity of pairing heaps
package main
import (
pairingHeap ""
func main() {
heap := pairingHeap.New()
fmt.Println(heap.DeleteMin()) // 2
fmt.Println(heap.DeleteMin()) // 3
fmt.Println(heap.DeleteMin()) // 4
fmt.Println(heap.DeleteMin()) // 5
Operation | Pairing | Leftist | Skew | Fibonacci | Binomial | Treap |
FindMin | Θ(1) | Θ(1) | Θ(1) | Θ(1) | Θ(log n) | O(n) |
DeleteMin | O(log n) | O(log n) | O(log n) | O(log n) | Θ(log n) | O(n) |
Insert | Θ(1) | O(log n) | O(log n) | Θ(1) | Θ(1) | O(n) |
Find | O(n) | |||||
Delete | O(n) | O(log n) | O(n) | Θ(log n) | O(n) | |
Adjust | O(n) | O(log n) | O(n) | Θ(log n) | O(n) | |
Meld | Θ(1) |
Operation | Rank Pairing |
FindMin | Θ(1) |
DeleteMin | O(log n) |
Insert | Θ(1) |
Find | O(n) |
Delete | O(n) |
Adjust | O(n) |
Meld | Θ(1) |
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Miroojin Bakshi 💻 | Syfaro 💻 | Theofanis Despoudis 💻 | Radliński Ignacy 💻 | Don McNamara 🚇 | Afrizal Fikri 💻 | Logan HAUSPIE 💻 |
Song Guo 💻 | Safwan Mohammed |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!
Copyright © 2017 Theo Despoudis MIT license