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Inspired on pycritty


Change your alacritty config in real time!

Table of Contents

🔧 Installation

  • npm

    npm i -g decritty

🕶️ Usage

Initial configs

Run the command below to create the initial settings

If the alacritty folder is already exists, it will be backup and the folder structure will be set up to work correctly

decritty -i


This argument receive a int | float

decritty -o 0.6


This argument receives 2 parameters x, y of type int
X and Y need not be exactly the same

decritty -p 2 2


decritty -p 4 8


This argument receives the alias that is in the font file

You may be found the file on ~/.config/alacritty/settings/fonts.yml
click here to see structure of fonts file

decritty -f FiraCode

Add new font

This argument receives two parameters Alias: 'Font Name'
Alias is the alias of the font name
'Font Name' is the original font name

You may be found the file on ~/.config/alacritty/settings/fonts.yml

decritty --add-font FiraCode 'Fira Code Nerd Font'

# abbreviated command
decritty -af FiraCode 'Fira Code Nerd Font'

Font Size

This argument receive a int

decritty -s 18


This argument receive the name of theme

You may be found the file folder on ~/.config/alacritty/settings/themes
click here to see folder structure

decritty -t AyuDark


If you wish, you can match all the arguments


Add Themes

To add a new theme just move it to ~/.config/alacritty/settings/themes and then run

decritty -t YourTheme

List Resources

To list all resources

decritty --list-resources

# abbreviated command
decritty -l

Set Shell

To set a new shell

decritty --set-shell zsh

## abbreviated command
decritty -ss zsh

Window Decoration

To change window decoration of Alacritty

You can set these options "full" | "none" | "transparent" | "buttonless"
Remember, the options "transparent" | "buttonless" only works in macos

decritty --window-decoration full

## abbreviated command
decritty -wd none

📁 Folder Structure

│   alacritty.yml
│   │   fonts.yml
│   │
│   │
│   └───themes
│       │   AyuDark.yml
│       │   AyuMirage.yml
│       │   ...

📝 Fonts


  Ubuntu: UbuntuMono Nerd Font # alias: font name
  FiraCode: Fira Code Nerd Font

✍️ License

This project is under the MIT LICENSE. See LICENSE for more information.

Made by the spanish guy with 💜