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  • OpenSSL private / public key pair for signing tokens. The following will generate private key private_key.key and associated public key public_key.pem:

    openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out private_key.key -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:4096
    openssl rsa -pubout -in private_key.key -out public_key.pem


  1. Run composer install
  2. Set up your webserver to point to Silex's webroot (see:
  3. Set up PowerDNS with MySQL backend (see:
  4. Copy your public key to storage/keys/ID.pem, where ID is the domain ID for which the key is associated
    • if you decide to use password version for this domain, create storage/keys/ID.password instead.
  5. Set up config files (located in config directory)

Usage (keypair version)

  • Client sends a token request to the server: GET /token/{domainId}

  • Server responds with s token JSON response:

  • Client signs the message digest (SHA256) in format {token}|{domainId}|{ipAddress}\n :

    echo "{token}|{domainId}|{ipAddress}" > temp.txt
    openssl dgst -sha256 -sign "private_key.key" -out sign.txt.sha256 temp.txt
    rm temp.txt
  • Client sends an update request to the server: POST /update/{domainId}, with the following body, where {signed} is the base64-encoded signed message:

    ipAddress: {ipAddress}
    signature: {signed}

    The ipAddress parameter can be omitted if the IP address used is the client's public IP address.

The client is available at bin/ Set up environment variables APIURL, DOMAINID, and PRIVATEKEY.

Simple (password-based) version

This is a simpler, less secure option. Instead of signing a request, client simply sends a hashed password to the server. Use this only over SSL.

  • Client sends an update request to the server: POST /update-simple/{domainId}, with the following body:

    ipAddress: {ipAddress}
    password: {password}

    The ipAddress parameter can be omitted if the IP address used is the client's public IP address.

The simple client is available at bin/ Set up environment variables APIURL, DOMAINID, and PASSWORDHASH.

API endpoints

GET /myip

Returns client's IP address.

Example response


GET /domain/:domainId:

Returns the JSON response containing all NS records for the domain with given domainId.

Example reponse

    "domain_id": "1",
    "name": "domain.dyndns.juricicjuraj.loc",
    "type": "SOA",
    "content": "ns.dyndns.juricicjuraj.loc noreply.dyndns.juricicjuraj.loc 1486776963 60 60 60 60",
    "ttl": "60",
    "change_date": "1486776963"
    "domain_id": "1",
    "name": "domain.dyndns.juricicjuraj.loc",
    "type": "A",
    "content": "",
    "ttl": "60",
    "change_date": "1486776963"

GET /token/:domainId:

Gets the authentication token for the given domain id. Returns token and current IP address in JSON format by default.

Query parameters

- `pure` - if set, will return just the token in plain text format. 

Example response:

  "token": "nZhFhCStJyQnSakZp79NzhCiRcp0oAvrGflVTCp9FJE=",
  "ip": ""

With ?pure=1: nZhFhCStJyQnSakZp79NzhCiRcp0oAvrGflVTCp9FJE=

POST /update/:domainId:

Pushes the NS update to server. The server will only accept the request if generated token (requested via GET /token/:domainId:) is successfully signed.

The message to sign should be in the following format (ending with \n):


Example request body:


Example response:


POST /update-simple/:domainId:

Pushes the NS update to server. The server will only accept the request if it contains a valid password, and password file exists for the selected domain.

For simplicity, keep the password to alphanumeric characters (but it can be long).

Example request body:


Example response:



My custom DynDns backend






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