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Step on Work

  1. Install tools kubernetes

    • Ref

    • download Kubectl.exe to path want

      curl.exe -LO ""
    • Add Path to environment variable

      • Search environment

      • Click Environment Variables...

      • Select Path Click Edit

      • Click New

      • Add Path that have kubectl.exe

      • Click OK

    • Test Kubectl enable

      kubectl version --client
    • Ref

    • download minikube.exe

      New-Item -Path 'c:<path want to install>' -Name 'minikube' -ItemType Directory -Force #create folder minikube
      Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile 'c:<path want to install>\minikube\minikube.exe' -Uri '' -UseBasicParsing #download install to path
    • Add Path to environment variable run Admin

      $oldPath = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('Path', [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
      if ($oldPath.Split(';') -inotcontains 'C:<path folder minikube.exe>'){ `
      [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('Path', $('{0};C:<path folder minikube.exe>' -f $oldPath), [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine) `
    • Restart Terminal

    Docker engine
  2. Config cluster kubernetes

  3. Deploy traefik

    • Ref

    • Create traefik-dashboard.yaml

      Show code
      apiVersion: #define api version is for revert proxy , load balance and auto set SSL/TLS option traefik
      kind: Middleware #define type object is Middleware for connect service
        name: traefik-basic-authen #define name object traefik-basic-authen
        namespace: spcn19 #define namespace want install traefik-basic-authen
      spec: #define spec in traefik-basic-authen
        basicAuth: #define secure for access to traefik
          secret: dashboard-auth-secret #define pod secure this is name dashboard-auth-secret
          removeHeader: true #set remove header for upspeed and up efficiency
      kind: IngressRoute #define type object ingressRount for setup route
        name: traefik-dashboard
        namespace: spcn19 #define namespace want install traefik-dashboard
 traefik #define connect ingress this is traefik for set ingress
 traefik-basic-authen #define middleware use in ingress by start from ingress.class
      spec: #define spec in traefik-dashboard
          - websecure #define entrypoints is websecure
        routes: #define route
          - match: Host(`traefik.spcn19.local`) && (PathPrefix(`/dashboard`) || PathPrefix(`/api`)) #define condition access traefik-dashboard
            kind: Rule #define type object is Rule for access
            middlewares: #define middleware before access service api@internal
              - name: traefik-basic-authen #use middleware name traefik-basic-authen authentication
                namespace: spcn19 #this run on space spcn19
            services: #services on Traefik
              - name: api@internal #name service
                kind: TraefikService #define type object is TraefikService for service api@internal
    • Create traefik-setup.ps1

      Show code
      $KUBE_NAMESPACE = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter namespace in file traefik-dashboard.yaml " #Enter name space same namespace in traefik-dashboard.yaml
      Write-Output "Traefik will install to $KUBE_NAMESPACE" 
      kubectl create namespace $KUBE_NAMESPACE #create namespace on cluster
      kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=$KUBE_NAMESPACE #set config on kube defalt namespace
      kubectl apply -f #apply CRD define resource ingress middleware tls
      kubectl apply -f #apply RBAC kubernetes define role for CRD
      if ( -Not (Get-Command scoop -ErrorAction Ignore)) { #check scoop already
         #install scoop
         $username = Read-Host -Prompt "Username " #Read Username computer
         Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser #allow powershell script use from internet and -Scope CurrentUser this is user present
         irm | iex #install scoop
         $env:Path -split ';' > $null #define environment
         $env:Path += ";C:\Users\$username\scoop\shims" > $null #define environment
      if ( -Not (Get-Command helm -ErrorAction Ignore)) { #check helm already
         #install helm
         scoop install helm
      helm repo add traefik # add repo traefik charts is traefik in helm
      helm repo update # update repo to make prepare install traefik charts
      helm install traefik traefik/traefik # Install traefik chart to make loadbalance and reverse Proxy 
      kubectl get svc -l #Get service label name name = traefik
      kubectl get po -l #Get pod label name name = traefik
      $UserTraefik = Read-Host -Prompt "Username Traefik " #Enter Username Login Traefik
      if ( -Not ("$UserTraefik" -eq " ")) { #Check emply value
         bash -c "htpasswd -nB $UserTraefik | tee auth-secret" #Create password to hash and secret of authenticat traefik
         kubectl create secret generic -n $KUBE_NAMESPACE dashboard-auth-secret --from-file=users=auth-secret -o yaml --dry-run=client | tee dashboard-secret.yaml
           #create kubernetes secure and create dashboard-secret.yaml
           # -n => namespace
           # --from-file=users=auth-secret => set secure from file auth-secret and use is key users
           # -o yaml => output file .yaml
           # --dry-run=client => create secure object not sent to kube API server but will check syntax and validation
         kubectl apply -f traefik-dashboard.yaml #Deploy traefik-dashboard.yaml for start traefik and dashboard
         kubectl apply -f dashboard-secret.yaml #Deploy dashboard-secret.yaml for start secure authentication traefik
         rm auth-secret #remove file auth-secret 
         rm dashboard-secret.yaml #remove file dashboard-secret.yaml
         $spinner = '/','-','\','|' #define animetion spinner
         $i = 0 #define index animetion
         while ($true) { #loop check Create container complete
             $status = Invoke-Expression -Command "kubectl get pods -l --field-selector=status.phase=Running --ignore-not-found=true" #check status po is Running create container complete
               # --ignore-not-found=true => ignore error when not found resouce
             if (-Not ("$status" -eq '')){ #check when container ready
                 Write-Host ""
                 Write-Host ">>> Install Treafik dashboard Complete <<<" -ForegroundColor Green #show output and color text green
                 break #stop loop
             Write-Host -NoNewline "`r Installing Treafik dashboard ...$($spinner[$i])" #show text loading container create
             $i = ($i + 1) % $spinner.Length #loop index and when last index will return to first index
             Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100 #delay 100 millisec
      Step by step
      • Create namespace

        kubectl create namespace <namespace>
        kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=<namespace>
      • Deploy resource CRD and RBAC

        kubectl apply -f
        kubectl apply -f 
      • Install helm

        Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
        irm | iex
        $env:Path -split ';' > $null
        $env:Path += ";C:\Users\<username>\scoop\shims" > $null
        scoop install helm
      • Install traefik charts

        helm repo add traefik
        helm repo update
        helm install traefik traefik/traefik
      • Get traefik service and traefik pod

        kubectl get svc -l
        kubectl get po -l
      • Create authenticat secret traefik dashboard

        bash -c "htpasswd -nB <user login traefik> | tee auth-secret"
        kubectl create secret generic -n <namespace> dashboard-auth-secret --from-file=users=auth-secret -o yaml --dry-run=client | tee dashboard-secret.yaml
      • Deploy secret traefik and traefik dashboard

        kubectl apply -f traefik-dashboard.yaml
        kubectl apply -f dashboard-secret.yaml
    • Example dashboard-secret.yaml

      Show code
      apiVersion: v1
        users: "" #genarate hash by kubectl create secret generic
      kind: Secret #define type object is Secret for authentication
        creationTimestamp: null
        name: dashboard-auth-secret
        namespace: "" #match Traefik in here genarate by powershell user enter namespace
    • Run file traefik-setup.ps1

    • Get detail traefik show ip

      kubectl get svc #look at EXTERNAL-IP

    • Set Domain in file host in path windows

      C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts # ex. EXTERNAL-IP traefik.spcn19.local
    • Test Open Traefik dashboard

      Show dashboard

  4. Deploy service

    • Create rancher-deployment.yaml

      Show code
       apiVersion: apps/v1 #define apiVersion is apps/v1
       kind: Deployment #define type object is deployment for create pod replicas and rolling update
       metadata: #define metadata for deployment
         name: rancher-deployment #define name object is rancher-deployment
         namespace: spcn19 #define namespace want install rancher-deployment
         replicas: 1 #define node cluster want create pod
         selector: #define selector pod
           matchLabels: #define match label pod to deployment
             app: rancher #define label pod want create on deployment
         template: #define template create container
               app: rancher #create on deployment matchLabels is app: rancher
           spec: #spec on pod
             containers: #create container
             - name: rancher #name container
               image: rancher/hello-world #image container
               ports: #define port need for container
               - containerPort: 80 #port 80
       apiVersion: v1
       kind: Service #define type object is Service for loadbalance
         name: rancher-service
           name: rancher-service
         namespace: spcn19 #run on namespace spcn19
       spec: #define service for access pod
         selector: #define selector pod match service will loadbalance
           app: rancher #label match pod label app: rancher => rancher-deployment
         - name: http #name port
           port: 80 #port service running on host
           protocol: TCP #protocal that the service use
           targetPort: 80 #port that container use
       apiVersion: #define api version is for revert proxy , load balance and auto set SSL/TLS option traefik
       kind: IngressRoute #define type object ingressRount for setup route
         name: service-ingress
         namespace: spcn19
           - web #http
           - websecure #https
         - match: Host(`web.spcn19.local`) #access on url
           kind: Rule #define type object is Rule for access
           services: #define service want access
           - name: rancher-service #define service want access name rancher-service
             port: 80 #define port accesss on port 80
    • Deploy service web rancher

      kubectl apply -f rancher-deployment.yaml
    • Set Domain in file host in path windows match traefik

      C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts # ex. EXTERNAL-IP web.spcn19.local 
    • Test Open rancher-service

      Show service


Link on local

  • traefik.spcn19.local
  • web.spcn19.local


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