Implementation of WAMP protocol ( using native Swift 5.3 and Combine (iOS >= 13, macOS >= 10.15, watchOS >= 6, tvOS >= 13).
The connection infrastructure is composed by 3 main elements:
- Serialization
- Transport
- Realm
- Session
defines how the messages will be serialized or deserialized from String.
By default, WAMP uses JSON, so this serialization mode can be easily created by calling:
let serialization = WampSerializing.json(
decoder: JSONDecoder.init,
encoder: JSONEncoder.init
Other serialization protocols can be easily implemented by you.
defines how the messages will be sent and received over the network.
By default, WAMP uses WebSockets, so this transport mode can be easily created by calling:
let transport = WampTransport.webSocket(
wsURL: URL(string: "ws://localhost:8080/ws")!,
urlSession: URLSession.shared,
serializationFormat: serialization.serializationFormat
Other transport methods can be easily implemented by you.
A WAMP system may have one or more registered realms. They can even have different authentication or authorization rules. Realms are usually created by Routers, so to establish a session all you have to do is to provide a valid Realm URI:
let realm = URI("de.teufel.my_app.public_realm")!
Please notice that CombineWamp works with strict URI rules (
A session glues all these things together. You can think of it as a client connection. The same session can be reused by certain client to perform different actions, such as publishing, subscribing, calling RPC procedures or responding RPC procedures. A client, if it wants, may also create more than a session, although this is not usually required.
let session = WampSession(transport: transport, serialization: serialization, realm: realm, roles: .allClientRoles)
Routers also have open sessions, but this is not implemented yet on CombineWamp.
A WAMP Client is the peer responsible for the actual messaging handling.
It may implement one or more of the following roles:
- Publisher: in the PubSub communication, this client will be able to publish events related to certain topic;
- Subscriber: in the PubSub communication, this client will be able to subscribe for events related to certain topic;
- Caller: in the RPC communication, this client will be able to call remote procedures registered by other clients;
- Callee: in the RPC communication, this client will be able to register procedures and respond when they are called by other clients.
After you created the session as demonstrated earlier, you can now connect to it. This will make your client say HELLO to the router and receive a WELCOME message, or an error:
receiveCompletion: { [weak self] completion in
receiveValue: { [weak self] welcome in
).store(in: &cancellables)
From that point, we can access the client
property from the session object. With that, we can, for example, leave the session by saying GOODBYE.
receiveCompletion: { [weak self] completion in
receiveValue: { [weak self] goodbye in
).store(in: &cancellables)
More interesting commands are available when you lift your Client to a specific role, such as Subscriber or Caller.
For that, please notice that your session must have been open with those roles set, or all client roles enabled (roles: .allClientRoles
Lifts a Client to a Publisher and allows publishing to topics in the WAMP Realm.
topic: URI("de.teufel.my_app.hello_topic")!,
positionalArguments: [
.string("Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything!"),
receiveCompletion: { [weak self] completion in
receiveValue: { published in
).store(in: &cancellables)
Please notice that session.client.asPublisher
returns an Optional WampPublisher
. This will be nil in case you didn't set .publisher
role on creating the WampSession
Instead of calling publish
, you may also consider calling publishWithoutAck
. This one won't receive the acknowledgement from the router that the message was received by it, however not all routers will support this acknowledgements and in case you don't get it, you must fallback to the option without ack.
Also, instead of positionalArguments
you may also consider namedArguments
, which will expect a dictionary such as:
namedArguments: [
"Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything!": .integer(42)
For the possible element types, please check Element Types section below.
Lifts a Client to a Subscriber and allows subscribing to topics in the WAMP Realm.
.subscribe(topic: URI("de.teufel.my_app.hello_topic")!, onUnsubscribe: { unsubscribing in
switch unsubscribing {
case .success: break // Successfully unsubscribed
case let .failure(error): break // Handle unsubscribe error
receiveCompletion: { [weak self] completion in
receiveValue: { [weak self] event in
positionalArguments: event.positionalArguments,
namedArguments: event.namedArguments
).store(in: &cancellables)
Please notice that session.client.asSubscriber
returns an Optional WampSubscriber
. This will be nil in case you didn't set .subscriber
role on creating the WampSession
When this Combine subscription is cancelled, if the session is still active the client will send an UNSUBSCRIBE message to the router informing that we're no longer interested in this topic. You can optionally check if this message was properly delivered, by providing the closure onUnsubscribe
For the possible element types, please check Element Types section below.
Lifts a Client to a Caller and allows calling remote procedures (RPC) in the WAMP Realm.
.call(procedure: URI("de.teufel.my_app.sum")!, positionalArguments: [.integer(11), .integer(31)])
receiveCompletion: { [weak self] completion in
receiveValue: { [weak self] result in
guard let sumResult = result.positionalArguments?[safe: 0]?.integer else { return }
).store(in: &cancellables)
Please notice that session.client.asCaller
returns an Optional WampCaller
. This will be nil in case you didn't set .caller
role on creating the WampSession
Instead of positionalArguments
you may also consider namedArguments
, which will expect a dictionary such as:
namedArguments: [
"sum_left_side": .integer(11),
"sum_right_side": .integer(31)
For the possible element types, please check Element Types section below.
Lifts a Client to a Callee and allows registering remote procedures (RPC) in the WAMP Realm and be called by other clients.
.register(procedure: URI("de.teufel.my_app.sum")!, onUnregister: { unregistering in
switch unregistering {
case .success: break // Successfully unregistered
case let .failure(error): break // Handle unregister error
receiveCompletion: { [weak self] completion in
receiveValue: { (invocation, responder) in
let first = invocation.positionalArguments?[safe: 0]?.integer ?? 0
let second = invocation.positionalArguments?[safe: 1]?.integer ?? 0
let response = first - second
onSuccess: { _ in
onFailure: {
// Handle response error
.store(in: &cancellables)
).store(in: &cancellables)
Please notice that session.client.asCallee
returns an Optional WampCallee
. This will be nil in case you didn't set .callee
role on creating the WampSession
When this Combine subscription is cancelled, if the session is still active the client will send an UNREGISTER message to the router informing that we're no longer offering in this procedure. You can optionally check if this message was properly delivered, by providing the closure onUnregister
For the possible element types, please check Element Types section below.
The possible element types when sending arguments are:
public enum ElementType: Equatable {
case integer(Int)
case string(String)
case bool(Bool)
case double(Double)
indirect case dict([String: ElementType])
indirect case list([ElementType])
Please notice that .double
is not part of standard WAMP protocol and may not be understood by other peers and certain languages. Be sure to validate it works in your environment before using it.
Optionally you can implement ElementTypeConvertible
protocol in your structs to easily converted from and to WAMP Element Types. Otherwise you can easily write this manually.
Extracting values from this enum is easier thanks to calculated properties for each of the enum cases. For example:
let integer = element.integer ?? 0
let string = element.string ?? ""
let thirdInteger = element.list?[safe: 2]?.integer ?? 0
let userName = element.dict?["name"]?.string ?? ""
let userAddressStreet = element.dict?["address"]?.dict?["street"]?.string ?? ""
A WAMP Router is the peer responsible for coordinating, routing and proxying all clients communication
Not implemented yet