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tester1010101 authored Dec 31, 2021
1 parent effd7e6 commit 22ce4d1
Showing 1 changed file with 254 additions and 0 deletions.
254 changes: 254 additions & 0 deletions Get-Rules-Groups.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
# ~ Get-Rules v1.1 ~ #
# ._. ~ Made by: tester1010101 ~ ._. #
# Get all firewall rules from Windows Defender #
# Firewall with Advanced Security, + reconverts #
# them into applicables one through netsh fire. #
# Dumped in: %USERPROFILE%\Rules\FWCommands.txt #
# #

# 1. Creates the Rules folder in %USERPROFILE%\Rules if not present
# 2. Dumps all "allowed" firewall rules into a textfile at %USERPROFILE%\Rules\FW-Rules.txt
# 3. Stock the rules into a variable from the file dumped (user can use custom file/path)
# 4. Parse each rules ending at '(?<=Action: Allow)'
# 5. Create a .txt of each rules at %USERPROFILE%\Rules\$i.txt
# 6. Increment until none left

Function GetRulesBlocks{
$TestPath = Test-Path $env:USERPROFILE\Rules
if ($TestPath -eq $False) {mkdir $env:USERPROFILE\Rules}
netsh advfirewall firewall show rule name=all verbose > $env:USERPROFILE\Rules\FW-Rules.txt
$Rules = Get-Content -Path $env:USERPROFILE\Rules\FW-Rules.txt -raw
$Rules = $Rules -split '(?<=Action: Allow)'
$i = 1
ForEach ($Rule in $Rules) {
$Rule | Out-File $env:USERPROFILE\Rules\$i.txt

# 1. Gets the last item of the rules dumped, then starts the loop until last rule
# 2. Starting from rule #1, it'll extract all rule's parameters into variables
# 3. Then create a netsh command to re-enter it as needed, with rule's variables
# 4. Each set of variables creates a command which is added to a command file
# 5. Final textfile contains all commands ready to be applied, in the 'netsh' format.

$Count = ((Get-ChildItem $env:USERPROFILE\Rules\).Count) - 3
[int]$iii = 001
$RulePath = "$env:USERPROFILE\Rules\$iii.txt"
$File = $RulePath
$Content = Get-Content $File

[string]$RuleNameTEST = ($Content | Select-String "Rule Name:")
if ($RuleNameTEST.Length -gt 1) {
$RuleName = $RuleNameTEST.Substring(38)
[bool]$RuleNameBool = $True }

[string]$DescriptionTEST = ($Content | Select-String "Description:")
if ($DescriptionTEST.Length -gt 1) {
$Description = $DescriptionTEST.Substring(38)
[bool]$DescriptionBool = $True }

[string]$EnabledTEST = ($Content | Select-String "Enabled:")
if ($EnabledTEST.Length -gt 1) {
$Enabled = $EnabledTEST.Substring(38)
[bool]$EnabledBool = $True }

[string]$DirTEST = ($Content | Select-String "Direction:")
if ($DirTEST.Length -gt 1) {
$Dir = $DirTEST.Substring(38)
[bool]$DirBool = $True }

[string]$ProfileTEST = ($Content | Select-String "Profiles:")
if ($ProfileTEST.Length -gt 1) {
$Profile = $ProfileTEST.Substring(38)
[bool]$ProfileBool = $True }

[string]$GroupingTEST = ($Content | Select-String "Grouping:")
if ($GroupingTEST.Length -gt 39) {
$Grouping = $GroupingTEST.Substring(38)
[bool]$GroupingBool = $True }

[string]$LocalIPTEST = ($Content | Select-String "LocalIP:")
if ($LocalIPTEST.Length -gt 1) {
$LocalIP = $LocalIPTEST.Substring(38)
[bool]$LocalIPBool = $True }

[string]$RemoteIPTEST = ($Content | Select-String "RemoteIP:")
if ($RemoteIPTEST.Length -gt 1) {
$RemoteIP = $RemoteIPTEST.Substring(38)
[bool]$RemoteIPBool = $True }

[string]$ProtocolTEST = ($Content | Select-String "Protocol:")
if ($ProtocolTEST.Length -gt 1) {
$Protocol = $ProtocolTEST.Substring(38)
[bool]$ProtocolBool = $True }

[string]$LocalPortTEST = ($Content | Select-String "LocalPort:")
if ($LocalPortTEST.Length -gt 1) {
$LocalPort = $LocalPortTEST.Substring(38)
[bool]$LocalPortBool = $True }

[string]$RemotePortTEST = ($Content | Select-String "RemotePort:")
if ($RemotePortTEST.Length -gt 1) {
$RemotePort = $RemotePortTEST.Substring(38)
[bool]$RemotePortBool = $True }

[string]$EdgeTEST = ($Content | Select-String "Edge traversal:")
if ($EdgeTEST.Length -gt 1) {
$Edge = $EdgeTEST.Substring(38)
[bool]$EdgeBool = $True }

[string]$ProgramTEST = ($Content | Select-String "Program:")
if ($ProgramTEST.Length -gt 1) {
$Program = $ProgramTEST.Substring(38)
[bool]$ProgramBool = $True }

[string]$ServiceTEST = ($Content | Select-String "Service:")
if ($ServiceTEST.Length -gt 1) {
$Service = $ServiceTEST.Substring(38)
[bool]$ServiceBool = $True }

[string]$InterfaceTEST = ($Content | Select-String "InterfaceTypes:")
if ($InterfaceTEST.Length -gt 1) {
$Interface = $InterfaceTEST.Substring(38)
[bool]$InterfaceBool = $True }

[string]$SecurityTEST = ($Content | Select-String "Security:")
if ($SecurityTEST.Length -gt 1) {
$Security = $SecurityTEST.Substring(38)
[bool]$SecurityBool = $True }

[string]$ActionTEST = ($Content | Select-String "Action:")
if ($ActionTEST.Length -gt 1) {
$Action = $ActionTEST.Substring(38)
[bool]$ActionBool = $True }

$PreCommand = ("netsh advfirewall firewall add rule")
[array]$Matches = @("ICMPv4","ICMPv6")

if ([bool]$RuleNameBool -eq $True) {$PreCommand += " name='$RuleName'" }
if ([bool]$DescriptionBool -eq $True) {$PreCommand += " description='$Description'" }
if ([bool]$EnabledBool -eq $True) {$PreCommand += " enable=$Enabled" }
if ([bool]$DirBool -eq $True) {$PreCommand += " dir=$Dir" }
if ([bool]$ProfileBool -eq $True) {$PreCommand += " profile=$Profile" }
if ([bool]$LocalIPBool -eq $True) {$PreCommand += " localip='$LocalIP'" }
if ([bool]$RemoteIPBool -eq $True) {$PreCommand += " remoteip='$RemoteIP'" }
if ([bool]$ProtocolBool -eq $True) {
if ($Protocol -in $Matches)
[string]$Protocols = ($Content | Select-String "Type Code" -Context 1 | % { $_.Context.PostContext })
if ($Protocols.Length -gt 1) {
$Protocols = $Protocols.Substring(38)
$ProtocolsMod = (-split $Protocols)
[string]$ICMPType = $ProtocolsMod[0]
[string]$ICMPCode = $ProtocolsMod[1]
$PreCommand += (" protocol='$Protocol"+":$ICMPType,$ICMPCode'")
} else { $PreCommand += " protocol='$Protocol'" }
if ([bool]$LocalPortBool -eq $True) {$PreCommand += " localport='$LocalPort'" }
if ([bool]$RemotePortBool -eq $True) {$PreCommand += " remoteport='$RemotePort'" }
if ([bool]$EdgeBool -eq $True) {$PreCommand += " edge='$Edge'" }
if ([bool]$ProgramBool -eq $True) {$PreCommand += " program='$Program'" }
if ([bool]$ServiceBool -eq $True) {$PreCommand += " service='$Service'" }
if ([bool]$InterfaceBool -eq $True) {$PreCommand += " interface='$Interface'" }
if ([bool]$SecurityBool -eq $True) {$PreCommand += " security='$Security'" }
if ([bool]$ActionBool -eq $True) {$PreCommand += " action='$Action'" }

$Command = ($PreCommand + "`n")

if ([bool]$GroupingBool -eq $True) {
$RuleName2 = $RuleName
$RuleGroup = $Grouping
$PreCommand2 = ( 'Get-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "' + $RuleName2 + '" | % { $_.Group = "' + $RuleGroup + '" ; Set-NetFirewallRule -InputObject $_ }' )
$Command += ($PreCommand2 + "`n")

$RuleName = $null
$Description = $null
$Enabled = $null
$Dir = $null
$Profile = $null
$Grouping = $null
$LocalIP = $null
$RemoteIP = $null
$Protocol = $null
$Protocols = $null
$ProtocolsMod = $null
$LocalPort = $null
$RemotePort = $null
$Edge = $null
$Program = $null
$Service = $null
$Interface = $null
$Security = $null
$Action = $null
$RuleName2 = $null
$RuleGroup = $null
$PreCommand2 = $null
$RuleNameTEST = $null
$DescriptionTEST = $null
$EnabledTEST = $null
$DirTEST = $null
$ProfileTEST = $null
$GroupingTEST = $null
$LocalIPTEST = $null
$RemoteIPTEST = $null
$ProtocolTEST = $null
$LocalPortTEST = $null
$RemotePortTEST = $null
$EdgeTEST = $null
$ProgramTEST = $null
$ServiceTEST = $null
$InterfaceTEST = $null
$SecurityTEST = $null
$ActionTEST = $null
$RuleNameBool = $false
$DescriptionBool = $false
$EnabledBool = $false
$DirBool = $false
$ProfileBool = $false
$GroupingBool = $false
$LocalIPBool = $false
$RemoteIPBool = $false
$ProtocolBool = $false
$ICMPBool = $false
$LocalPortBool = $false
$RemotePortBool = $false
$EdgeBool = $false
$ProgramBool = $false
$ServiceBool = $false
$InterfaceBool = $false
$SecurityBool = $false
$ActionBool = $false
$Commands += $Command

Until ($iii -eq $Count)

$Commands | Out-File $env:USERPROFILE\Rules\FWCommands.txt
$Commands = $null

# Completion ~ #
Write-Host "Get-Rules successfully extracted rules and re-created them in: $env:USERPROFILE\Rules\FWCommands.txt" -ForeGroundColor Cyan -BackGroundColor Magenta
Write-Host "Open destination folder? @$ENV:USERPROFILE\Rules\* -> [Y/N]" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$Answer = (Read-Host)
if ($Answer -eq "Y")
explorer $ENV:USERPROFILE\Rules\
Write-Host "Press Enter to exit..." -ForegroundColor Red

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