Releases: terrimporter/CO1Classifier
Releases · terrimporter/CO1Classifier
SINTAX COI v5.1.0-ref
The formatted FASTA file used to create a database for SINTAX.
A formatted database for doing faster SINTAX taxonomic assignments.
RDP COI v5.1.0-ref
The files used to train the RDP Classifier, for reference only.
RDP COI v5.1.0
Trained and ready to be used with the RDP Classifier.
BLAST COI v5.1.0
Formatted for local blastn searches using the command line BLAST+ package.
SINTAX COI v5.0.0-ref
The original FASTA file used to create the .udb file for SINTAX.
A .udb file ready to be used with SINTAX.
RDP COI v5.0.0-ref
The original FASTA and taxonomy files used to train the RDP Classifier.
RDP COI v5.0.0
The trained RDP Classifier ready for use.
BLAST COI v5.0.0
A custom nucleotide database that can be used with blastn (BLAST+).