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This repository contains a set of reusable angularjs directives (widgets) for user interface components based on the JAvaScript Suite for Sparql Access (Jassa). The widgets are designed to work directly on a SPARQL endpoint and cope with large result sets by means of pagination support.

Disclaimer: Please be aware that that this code base is under active development, and there are some differences between the screenshots and the current appearance. The repository layout and the build configuration are based on angular-ui-bootstrap.


Facet Search

Jassa features out of the box SPARQL based faceted search over SPARQL accessible data.

Note: If case you are worried that SPARQL access might be too slow, you might be interested in our jena-sparql-api framework, which offers (among several utils) simple server side caching which can already boost the performance of recurring queries. We also plan to extend the project with more sophisticated caching soon.

Quick ugly Demo

Faceted search components are configured and synchronized via the FacetTreeConfig object, which can be 'empty' on init:

var rdf = jassa.rdf;
var facete = jassa.facete; 
var sparql = jassa.sparql;
var service = jassa.service;

var sparqlService = new service.SparqlServiceHttp('', ['']);

// Buff the service with client side pagination and caching support
sparqlService = new service.SparqlServiceCache(sparqlService);
sparqlService = new service.SparqlServicePaginate(sparqlService, 1000);

// By default, a facetTreeConfig instance will use the set of resources appearing in the triples' subject positions
// Set a baseConfig to use a custom set of resources
var facetTreeConfig = new facete.FacetTreeConfig();

// For the folowing boilerplate code we will add some utility function soon ;)
var baseElement = sparql.ElementString.create('?s a <>');
var baseVar = rdf.NodeFactory.createVar('s');

var castles = new facete.Concept(baseElement, baseVar);

// The facetTreeConfig is now configured to the set of castles

$scope.sparqlService = sparqlService;
$scope.facetTreeConfig = facetTreeConfig;
$scope.selectedPath = null;

// This function is used to sync the facet-value-list with the facet-tree
$scope.selectFacet = function(path) {
    $scope.selectedPath = path;

Facet Tree

A SPARQL-based data-driven widget for showing a (possibly) nested facet tree for a selected set of resources. Nodes in the tree feature support for regex search and pagination.



Facet Value List

A SPARQL-based data-driven widget for showing the list of values for a given facet selection. Supports regex search and pagination.



Constraint List

A widget which summarizes active constraints (which are part of the facetTreeConfig).



Facet-based Typeahead

Want to link the autosuggestions of a set of input elements to facets? Check this out:



The left image shows all suggestions for the artifact id field, whereas the right image only shows suggestions for the group id org.dbpedia. Note, that titles appears as a search result, as by default the typeahead includes URIs in the search.

// Set up the facet typeahead config (ftac)
$scope.ftac = {
    sparqlService: sparqlService,
    facetTreeConfig: facetTreeConfig

// Create a variable that acts as the model for the user input
// In our example, we assume the user entering a reference to a dataset
$scope.dataset = {
    desc: {
<input ng-model="dataset.desc.groupId" facet-typeahead="ftac" facet-typeahead-path="''" type="text" placeholder="Group Id">

<input ng-model="dataset.desc.artifactId" facet-typeahead="ftac" facet-typeahead-path="''" type="text" placeholder="Artifact Id">

<input ng-model="dataset.desc.version" facet-typeahead="ftac" facet-typeahead-path="''" type="text" placeholder="Version">

Above three elements will synchronize their autosuggestions based on the shared ftac configuration object. Note that facet-typeahead reads out the ng-model attribute and will use the corresponding values to create SPARQL regex filters. Technically, facet-typeahead replaces itself upon angular's linking phase with ui-bootstrap's typeahead directive.

Map display

A map display based on OpenLayers that works out of the box on a SPARQL endpoint. This includes DBpedia. The map logic will use a tile based strategy for areas that would contain too much data.



// GeoMapFactory: An object that abstracts from a specific vocabulary.
// Bundles the capability to create SPARQL bounding box constraints for WKT-based vocabularies
// with the capability to extract geometric information from corresponding SPARQL result sets.
// Use geo.GeoMapFactoryUtils.wgs84MapFactory for wgs84 support
var geoMapFactory = geo.GeoMapFactoryUtils.createWktMapFactory(

$scope.mapConfig = {
	center: { lon: 50, lat: 50 },
	zoom: 8
$scope.dataSources = [{
	sparqlService: sparqlService,
	mapFactory: geoMapFactory,
	conceptFactory: new facete.ConceptFactoryConst(facete.ConceptUtils.createSubjectConcept(rdf.NodeFactory.createVar('s'))),
    quadTreeConfig: {
		maxItemsPerTileCount: 2500,
		maxGlobalItemCount: 100
    style="position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 100%; height: 100%; z-index:-9999"

Utility directives


When using divs for layouting with pointer-events disabled and overflow set to auto, you will notice that the scrollbars on chrome won't be clickable. This directive will set pointer-events:auto when scrollbars become visible.

    style="position: absolute; top: 50px; left: 0px; width: 500px; bottom: 0px; overflow: auto; pointer-events:none"


A wrapper for jQuery UI's resizable. To be documented.


See the widgets in action here. The stylistic aspect is work in progress :)


You can install jassa-ui-angular with the bower package managager using

bower install jassa-ui-angular

This will checkout the latest version (by git tag) from our bower release repository.

HTML tags for the dependencies can be injected into a file using the bower-install grunt task.

grunt bower-install

For some dependencies bower-install task does not know what to add to your HTML file due to lack of metadata. Manually add the following elements to your index.html or main file.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/jassa-ui-angular.css" />
<script src="bower_components/jscache/cache.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/underscore.string/lib/underscore.string.js"></script>

Note: This issue causes Angular-UI-Bootstrap v0.10.0 to throw an exception when using expressions for the active state of tabs. The issue seems to be fixed in master, but there is no bower release yet. Hence, you need to fall back to this slightly modified version.

<script src="lib/angular-ui/0.10.0/ui-bootstrap-tpls-0.10.0.js"></script>


Make sure that a current version npm is available on your system. You can install npm using:

# Remove or purge old versions
sudo apt-get remove nodejs npm
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nodejs
# The nodejs package includes the npm command

Install development tools (-g indicates to install them globally on your system rather than the current working directory)

sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
sudo npm install -g bower

Run the build script

cd jassa-ui-angular-core

Project layout

  • jassa-ui-angular-core: Module for core widgets which do not depend on other user interface libraries except for angular-ui-bootstrap.
  • jassa-ui-angular-geo-openlayers: Module for openlayer widgets. WIP.


To be clarified (some liberal one, such as MIT or Apache v2)


Angular-JS based user interface components for Jassa






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