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Jonas Jaszkowic edited this page Jun 4, 2024 · 37 revisions
Gieß den Kiez Wiki - logo

Welcome to Gieß den Kiez Wiki! This documentation should help you set up your own Gieß den Kiez and understand the different parts that compose it. The project is split into four different repositories, roughly organised in Backend, Frontend and Data Harvesters.

We advise to read the READMEs of the above repositories in addition to this Wiki. To replicate the project on your own, we recommend you proceed in the following order:

A. Set up Accounts

First and foremost, we encourage you to setup a GitHub Account to fork all our repositories and work on your own version of Gieß den Kiez. By doing so, you can pull the latest improvements from our upstream repository while we can keep the latest improvements from your side. Follow the spirit of the open source community and work open 👾

To make Gieß den Kiez work properly, you need to set up accounts at the following external providers:

  1. Setup Mapbox
  2. Setup Supabase

Since early summer 2023, we are not using any Auth0 and AWS services anymore. Instead, we migrated the trees data, the authentification and the user data to Supabase.

B. Set up the Backend

  1. Configure Supabase
  2. Setup Your DWD Harvester
  3. Setup Your OSM Harvester

C. Setup the Frontend

  1. Setup & Installation
  2. Configuration files
  3. Code Structure
  4. Working With Data
  5. How it works
  6. Testing & Code Quality
  7. Deploying on Vercel


Until early summer 2023, the project was using Auth0 and Terraform to setup the Backend using several AWS services. This was not proven to be developer friendly which is thy we migrated the while bacend to Supabase. However, the provide the following, deprecated wiki pages to understand the former setup and code.

Set up Your Database

Set up Your Database API

Set up Your User Management API

Set up Your S3

In May 2024, we deprecated the use of the Vercel API and rely solely on the Supabase functionality. See the following deprecated wiki pages to understand the former setup and code.

