Below you will find a list of Open Source tasks that we need resolved. They are in no particular order or priority so feel free to choose whichever you like best. Before you start working on a task, edit this file ( and prepend your name in brackets to the task title so others know the task is already taken. FCFS.
- [@ayivima]#7
- #6
- teamniteo/Makefile#1
- [@mandarvaze] teamniteo/pyramid_heroku#11
- woocart/localizations#40
- woocart/cartfront#34
- #6
- teamniteo/pyramid_heroku#13
- teamniteo/pyramid_heroku#10
- alembic/alembic#113
- fizyk/pyramid_basemodel#11
- [@vietdt] teamniteo/heroku-buildpack-buildout#13
- [@vietdt] teamniteo/heroku-buildpack-buildout#12
- [@vietdt] plone/plone.api#316
- [@JanLikar] make this branch into a Pull Request on the upstream package:
- [@JanLikar]
- [@vietdt] repoze/repoze.sendmail#31
- [@JanLikar] make this change into a Pull Request on the upstream package:
- [@vietdt] buildout/buildout#300
- [@vietdt]
- [@JanLikar]
- [@spedy] #3
- [@JanLikar]#4
- teamniteo/pyramid_mixpanel#22