This library hopes to make Mapbox-gl-js easy to use while maintaining its API with the the power of React's declarative composability and higher order components.
Data displayed on you maps requires a data source and a styled layer just like Mapbox-gl-js.
center=[-122, 42]
move: (map, event) => {
console.log(`Map is centered at ${map.getCenter()}`);
R# Installation
npm install --save mapbox-gl-react
Examples of component usage can be found in the /examples
You can run them live with npm start
after cloning this repo.
The main container component that will display the map.
Grab token from Mapbox and keep it somewhere private.
- required
The initial rotational bearing of the map in degrees.
- default: 0
The coordinates for initial center of map.
- required
React styles passed into map container.
- default: { height: '100%', width: '100%' }
Refer to Mapbox documentation for list of Possible Events. Object keys must be named after events (case insensitive) with a callback function as the value which accepts the Map instance and event object as parameters.
Inital pitch of the map.
- default: 0
Grab your favorite map style from Mapbox.
- required
The initial zoom for map.
- required
List of more map options.
- minZoom: number
- maxZoom: number
- maxBounds: [number]
- hash: boolean
- interactive: boolean
- moveToMethod: 'flyTo' | 'jumpTo' | 'easeTo'
Attaches a geoJSON data source to map.
The name of the source.
- required
The actual data.
- required
- maxZoom: number
- cluster: boolean
- clusterRadius: number
- clusterMaxZoom: number
A layer styles in map that reads data from parent source component.
The layer type, Mapbox docs
- required