This is my project and it has Solid Clean Architecture implementation. This project can be used for starting a project which has an auth feature.
It contains:
- SOLID Principles and its usage in Clean Architecture.
- Bloc & Cubit State Management
- Supabase (But Database changing can be done easily without too much refactoring)
- Get_It
- Dependency Injection
I do some changes in presentation layer for to have different UI. Regards to Rivaan Ranawat. Thank you so much.
If you are using Supabase just create "secrets" folder in core folder. And create a "app_secrets.dart" file and this file should contain your Supabase anonKey and url. You can customize all of this if you are using Firebase.
app_secrets.dart can be like this:
class AppSecrets {
static const supabaseUrl = "yoursupabaseurl";
static const supabaseAnonKey = "yoursupabaseanonkey";
Have a nice day!