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Command utility for creating your own AI assistant
pip install gptutil
- Ask ChatGPT questions in a pipeline:
export OPENAI_API_KEY="OpenAI API Key"
git clone git clone https://github.com/openai/evals/
cp evals/evals/registry/data/test_fuzzy_match/samples.jsonl .
cat samples.jsonl | gpt-ask 'Translate this.'
cat samples.jsonl | gpt-ask 'Translate this.' |jq |less
cat samples.jsonl | gpt-ask 'Translate this.' | gpt-ask 'Use jq to extract all "content" values with "role" equal to "user".'
- Debug commands interactively:
gpt-interact -n simple_chat
gpt-interact -n simple_chat -t gptutil/example/assistant.yaml
You can also customize your own assistant by modifying this file.
Command | Description |
@use AssistantName | Switches to a different assistant. |
@history | Displays chat history. |
@reset | Clears the input and chat history for the assistant. |
@params | Show set assistant paramaters |
! (e.g. !ls -l, !bash) | Executes a command in the middle of a question and displays the result. |
Assistant | Description |
simple_chat | Normal chat. |
command_debug | Displays solutions by executing commands and displaying error messages. |
pentest | Explains penetration testing tools and procedures step by step. |