Simple command line habit tracking app design project for the course DLBDSOOFPP01 through IU International University of Applied Sciences. The application allows a user to create habits which they would like to track (see usage below). Once created, a scheduling function in the habits class is called to calculate the next date that the habit should be completed depending on the periodicity chosen. Created habits are considered overdue when a period of 1 day has lapsed after the next_run date for all periodic options. The application also allows a user to analyse their habits through the analyse subcommands. Some of the information that can be accessed though these subcommands is the longest streak for each habit. Which the largest number of consecutive completions for a particular habit.
- clone this repo to your local folder
git clone
cd habittracker1_1
- make your virtualenv
virtualenv env
- and activate it
on Windows:
on macOS and Linux
source env/Scripts/activate
- install package
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Done!
habit entry point (Terminal command)
Getting help
cll --help
Creating a new habit
- Periodicity can be Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Annually (case-sensitive)
cll create <activity> <periodicity>
Completing a habit
cll complete <habitid>
- Getting habitid (to see all habits with their habitids)
cll analyse show
Deleting a habit
cll delete <habitid>
Habit Analysis entry point
cll analyse
Analysing habits
cll analyse <subcommand>
pytest .