This project implements the following numerical methods:
- The Jacobi method.
- The Newton-Raphson method.
- Trapezoidal method.
- Bisection method.
- Simpson’s 1/3 rule.
- The trapezoidal method.
- Euler’s method.
- Heun’s method.
- Linear regression with :
- Power model.
- Exponential model.
- Growth-rate model.
These methods are implemented using SageMath
, wriiten and run via Jupyter
is a free open-source mathematics software system licensed under the GPL. It builds on top of many existing open-source packages: NumPy
, SciPy
, matplotlib
, Sympy
, Maxima
, R
and many more. Access their combined power through a common, Python-based language or directly via interfaces or wrappers with features covering many aspects of mathematics, including algebra, combinatorics, graph theory, numerical analysis, number theory, calculus and statistics.
Mission: Creating a viable free open source alternative to Magma
, Maple
, Mathematica
and Matlab
SageMath uses a syntax resembling Python
's, supporting procedural, functional and object-oriented constructs.
How to run the project?
Either install sage loaclly on your machine, follow the installation guide
Or run on cloud via CoCalc
(formerly called SageMathCloud) is a web-based cloud computing (SaaS) and course management platform for computational mathematics. Part of the Sage
project, it supports editing of Sage worksheets, LaTeX documents and Jupyter
notebooks. CoCalc
runs an Ubuntu Linux environment that can be interacted with through a terminal, additionally giving access to most of the capabilities of Linux.