A java/groovy version of Jenkins nvm plugin, it
doesn't require ruby-runtime
to be installed.
- Please follow this steps
It was built using maven and Java 1.8
mvn package
- Build the Jenkins plugin file, which can then be found in the build directory. The file will currently end in ".hpi". -
mvn install
- Build the Jenkins plugin and install it into your local Maven repository. -
gradle uploadArchives
(or 'gradle deploy') - Deploy your plugin to the Jenkins Maven repository to be included in the Update Center. -
mvn hpi:run
- Run a local jenkins to test -
mvn hpi:run -Djenkins.version=2.102
-Run a local jenkins against a version. -
mvn clean test -Djenkins.version=2.7.3 -Denforcer.skip=true -B
if local testnvm unset && nvm unload
- Installs
- Installs node version configured for job.
- Amends build environment to use configured node version.
Based on :
Jenkins rvm plugin and Jenkins nvm plugin.
Copyright (c) 2018 Tomas Salazar. This software is licensed under the MIT License.
Please fork and improve.