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  1. use ./global_scripts/ to make a bootable USB stick.

  2. cd to USB stick partition,

    • double-check if GRUB is installed by checking if boot folder is there

    • git clone this repo.

    • wget archlinux-2021.05.01-x86_64 and rename it to archlinux.iso.

  3. In tkarch folder on your USB stick, edit installation configuration file install.cfg, or overwrite it using available template:

    • If you are using Macbook Air, overwrite it using install.macbookair.cfg template, but be sure you have the disk partition using rEFIt like this:
    $ sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda
    Disk /dev/sda: 113 GiB, 121332826112 bytes, 236978176 sectors
    Disk model: APPLE SSD TS128E
    Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes
    I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes
    Disklabel type: gpt
    Disk identifier: 8E072E23-229A-4F4E-A880-02BDB5339788
    Device        Start       End   Sectors   Size Type
    /dev/sda1        40    409639    409600   200M EFI System
    /dev/sda2    409640  30652631  30242992  14.4G Apple HFS/HFS+
    /dev/sda3  30652632  31922175   1269544 619.9M Apple boot
    /dev/sda4  31922176  32813055    890880   435M EFI System
    /dev/sda5  32813056  35155967   2342912   1.1G Linux swap
    /dev/sda6  35155968 236976127 201820160  96.2G Linux filesystem
    • If you are not using Mac, overwrite it using install.asus.cfg template.
  4. copy tkarch/grub.cfg to boot/grub/grub.cfg

  5. boot into USB stick, select archlinux boot entry and login to Arch Linux installer.

  6. in this installer, run /run/archiso/img_dev/tkarch/, you will be prompted to setup root password at the end.

  7. now reboot and login as root, use passwd <username> to set password for the user.

  8. exit root and login as the user.

Test Grub-Install

Install as normal except we set REBOOT_TEST=true to test grub-install.

If grub-install works (you can successfully boot into the newly installed partition), just set DO_JAIL_SETUP=false and DO_PART=false for the second run of

From Archlinux ISO

No need to make a grub-enabled USB-stick, just boot from the live ISO and

pacman-key --init
pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring
pacman -S git vim
git clone
cd tkarch
vim install.cfg # if you want to change HOSTNAME etc.

Run individual setup

su # input your password
source lib/
setup translator


Arch OS install and setup scripts






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