- Features Intro
- Pricing
- Customer Testimonials
- Nuxt3
- Vite
- Unocss
- Icons
- Composables API
- Pinia
- Layouts
- Auto-Imports
- Typescript
- Pwa
- Vitest
- Theme
- Http
- Eslint & Prettier & Stylelint
- Commitlint & Husky & Lint-Staged
- Clone this repository
- Enable Corepack using corepack enable (use npm i -g corepack for Node.js < 16.10)
- Install dependencies using pnpm install
- Run interactive tests using pnpm dev
Deploy your own Vite project with Vercel.
You can deploy your new Vite project with a single command from your terminal using Vercel CLI:
$ vercel
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Published under MIT License.