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@NathanFreeman NathanFreeman released this 24 Jun 02:44
· 164 commits to master since this release

✨ New Feature:

  • Swoole supports multi-threading mode. When PHP is in ZTS mode and Swoole is compiled with --enable-swoole-thread, the multi-threading mode can be utilized.
  • Added a new thread management class Swoole\Thread. @matyhtf
  • Introduced thread lock Swoole\Thread\Lock. @matyhtf
  • Added thread atomic counter Swoole\Thread\Atomic, Swoole\Thread\Atomic\Long. @matyhtf
  • Added safe concurrent containers Swoole\Thread\Map, Swoole\Thread\ArrayList, Swoole\Thread\Queue. @matyhtf
  • File asynchronous operations support iouring as the underlying engine. Installing liburing and compiling Swoole with --enable-iouring enables asynchronous operations for functions like file_get_contents, file_put_contents, fopen, fclose, fread, fwrite, mkdir, unlink, fsync, fdatasync, rename, fstat, lstat, filesize through iouring. @matyhtf @NathanFreeman
  • Upgraded Boost Context to version 1.84. Now, Loongson CPUs can also support coroutines. @NathanFreeman

📖 example:

  • How to create threads
use Swoole\Thread;

$args = Thread::getArguments(); // If it is main thread, the $args is empty; if it is a child thread, the $args is not empty.
$c = 4;

if (empty($args)) {
    # main thread
    for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++) {
        $threads[] = new Thread(__FILE__, $i);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++) {
} else {
    # child thread x 4
    echo "Thread #" . $args[0] . "\n";
    while (1) {
  • Thread + Server (Asynchronous Style)
use Swoole\Process;
use Swoole\Thread;
use Swoole\Http\Server;

$http = new Server("", 9503, SWOOLE_THREAD);
    'worker_num' => 2,
    'task_worker_num' => 3,
    'bootstrap' => __FILE__,
    // sharing data between threads through `init_arguments`.
    'init_arguments' => function () use ($http) {
        $map = new Swoole\Thread\Map;
        return [$map];

$http->on('Request', function ($req, $resp) use ($http) {
    $resp->end('hello world');

$http->on('pipeMessage', function ($http, $srcWorkerId, $msg) {
    echo "[worker#" . $http->getWorkerId() . "]\treceived pipe message[$msg] from " . $srcWorkerId . "\n";

$http->addProcess(new Process(function () {
   echo "user process, id=" . Thread::getId();

$http->on('Task', function ($server, $taskId, $srcWorkerId, $data) {
    var_dump($taskId, $srcWorkerId, $data);
    return ['result' => uniqid()];

$http->on('Finish', function ($server, $taskId, $data) {
    var_dump($taskId, $data);

$http->on('WorkerStart', function ($serv, $wid) {
    // Retrieve shared data passed by `init_arguments` in the configuration using `Swoole\Thread::getArguments()`.
    var_dump(Thread::getArguments(), $wid);

$http->on('WorkerStop', function ($serv, $wid) {
    var_dump('stop: T' . Thread::getId());

  • Thread + Coroutine
use Swoole\Thread;

$args = Thread::getArguments(); // If it is main thread, the $args is empty; if it is a child thread, the $args is not empty.
$c = 4;

if (empty($args)) {
    # main thread
    for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++) {
        $threads[] = new Thread(__FILE__, $i);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++) {
} else {
    # child thread x 4
    echo "Thread #" . $args[0] . "\n";
    Co\run(function() {
       while (1) {
          Co\go(function () {

🐛 Bug Fixed:

  • Fixed the issue where installation via pecl was not possible. @remicollet
  • Fixed the bug where setting keepalive was not possible for Swoole\Coroutine\FastCGI\Client. @NathanFreeman
  • Fixed the issue where exceeding the max_input_vars would throw an error, causing the process to restart repeatedly. @NathanFreeman
  • Fixed unknown issues caused by using Swoole\Event::wait() within a coroutine. @matyhtf
  • Fixed the problem where proc_open does not support pty in coroutine mode. @matyhtf
  • Fixed segmentation fault issues with pdo_sqlite on PHP 8.3. @NathanFreeman
  • Fixed unnecessary warnings during the compilation of Swoole. @Appla @NathanFreeward
  • Fixed the error thrown by zend_fetch_resource2_ex when STDOUT/STDERR are already closed. @Appla @matyhtf
  • Fixed ineffective set_tcp_nodelay configuration. @matyhtf
  • Fixed the occasional unreachable branch issue during file upload. @NathanFreeman
  • Fixed the problem where setting dispatch_func would cause PHP's internals to throw errors. @NathanFreeman
  • Fixed the deprecation of AC_PROG_CC_C99 in autoconf >= 2.70. @petk
  • Capture exceptions when thread creation fails. @matyhtf
  • Fixed the undefined problem with _tsrm_ls_cache. @jingjingxyk
  • Fixed the fatal compile error with GCC 14. @remicollet

⭐️ Kernel optimization:

  • Removed unnecessary checks for socket structs. @petk
  • Upgraded Swoole Library. @deminy
  • Added support for status code 451 in Swoole\Http\Response. @abnegate
  • Synchronized file operation code across different PHP versions. @NathanFreeman
  • Synchronized pdo operation code across different PHP versions. @NathanFreeman
  • Optimized the code for Socket::ssl_recv(). @matyhtf
  • Improved config.m4; some configurations can now set library locations via pkg-config. @NathanFreeman
  • Optimized the use of dynamic arrays during request header parsing. @NathanFreeman
  • Optimized file descriptor fd lifecycle issues in multi-threading mode. @matyhtf
  • Optimized some fundamental coroutine logic. @matyhtf

❌ Deprecated:

  • No longer supports PHP 8.0.
  • No longer supports Swoole\Coroutine\MySQL coroutine client.
  • No longer supports Swoole\Coroutine\Redis coroutine client.
  • No longer supports Swoole\Coroutine\PostgreSQL coroutine client.

⚠ Warning:

  • Swoole-v6.0.0-alpha is a test version and cannot be used in any production environment; it is for testing purposes only.

😊 Thank you

  • Thank you for your contribution to Swoole v6.0.0. Wish you good health, all the best, and smooth work.

✨ 新特性:

  • Swoole支持多线程模式,当phpzts模式,编译Swoole时开启--enable-swoole-thread时,就能使用多线程模式。
  • 新增线程管理类Swoole\Thread@matyhtf
  • 新增线程锁Swoole\Thread\Lock@matyhtf
  • 新增线程原子计数Swoole\Thread\AtomicSwoole\Thread\Atomic\Long@matyhtf
  • 新增安全并发容器Swoole\Thread\MapSwoole\Thread\ArrayListSwoole\Thread\Queue@matyhtf
  • 文件异步操作支持iouring作为底层引擎,安装了liburing和编译Swoole时开启--enable-iouringfile_get_contentsfile_put_contentsfopenfclosefreadfwritemkdirunlinkfsyncfdatasyncrenamefstatlstatfilesize这些函数的异步操作将会由iouring实现。 @matyhtf @NathanFreeman
  • 升级Boost Context版本到1.84。现在,龙芯CPU也能够支持协程了。 @NathanFreeman

📖 示例:

  • 创建线程
use Swoole\Thread;

$args = Thread::getArguments(); // 如果是主线程,$args 为空,如果是子线程,$args 不为空
$c = 4;

if (empty($args)) {
    # 主线程
    for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++) {
        $threads[] = new Thread(__FILE__, $i);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++) {
} else {
    # 子线程
    echo "Thread #" . $args[0] . "\n";
    while (1) {
  • 线程 + 服务端(异步风格)
use Swoole\Process;
use Swoole\Thread;
use Swoole\Http\Server;

$http = new Server("", 9503, SWOOLE_THREAD);
    'worker_num' => 2,
    'task_worker_num' => 3,
    'bootstrap' => __FILE__,
    // 通过init_arguments实现线程间的数据共享。
    'init_arguments' => function () use ($http) {
        $map = new Swoole\Thread\Map;
        return [$map];

$http->on('Request', function ($req, $resp) use ($http) {
    $resp->end('hello world');

$http->on('pipeMessage', function ($http, $srcWorkerId, $msg) {
    echo "[worker#" . $http->getWorkerId() . "]\treceived pipe message[$msg] from " . $srcWorkerId . "\n";

$http->addProcess(new Process(function () {
   echo "user process, id=" . Thread::getId();

$http->on('Task', function ($server, $taskId, $srcWorkerId, $data) {
    var_dump($taskId, $srcWorkerId, $data);
    return ['result' => uniqid()];

$http->on('Finish', function ($server, $taskId, $data) {
    var_dump($taskId, $data);

$http->on('WorkerStart', function ($serv, $wid) {
    // 通过Swoole\Thread::getArguments()获取配置中的init_arguments传递的共享数据
    var_dump(Thread::getArguments(), $wid);

$http->on('WorkerStop', function ($serv, $wid) {
    var_dump('stop: T' . Thread::getId());

  • Thread + Coroutine 在线程中使用协程
use Swoole\Thread;

$args = Thread::getArguments(); // If it is main thread, the $args is empty; if it is a child thread, the $args is not empty.
$c = 4;

if (empty($args)) {
    # main thread
    for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++) {
        $threads[] = new Thread(__FILE__, $i);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++) {
} else {
    # child thread x 4
    echo "Thread #" . $args[0] . "\n";
    Co\run(function() {
       while (1) {
          Co\go(function () {

🐛 Bug修复:

  • 修复无法通过pecl安装的问题。 @remicollet
  • 修复Swoole\Coroutine\FastCGI\Client客户端无法设置keepalive。 @NathanFreeman
  • 修复请求参数超过max_input_vars时会抛出错误导致进程不断重启的问题。 @NathanFreeman
  • 修复在协程中使用Swoole\Event::wait()导致的未知问题。 @matyhtf
  • 修复proc_open在协程化的时候不支持pty的问题。 @matyhtf
  • 修复pdo_sqlite在PHP8.3会出现段错误的问题。 @NathanFreeman
  • 修复编译Swoole时的无用警告。 @Appla @NathanFreeman
  • 修复如果STDOUT/STDERR已经关闭时,底层调用zend_fetch_resource2_ex会抛出错误。 @Appla @matyhtf
  • 修复无效的set_tcp_nodelay配置。 @matyhtf
  • 修复文件上传的时候偶尔会触发不可达的分支问题。 @NathanFreeman
  • 修复设置了dispatch_func,会导致php底层抛出错误的问题。 @NathanFreeman
  • 修复AC_PROG_CC_C99在autoconf >= 2.70版本中已过时。 @petk
  • 当线程创建失败时,捕获其抛出的异常。 @matyhtf
  • 修复_tsrm_ls_cache未定义问题。 @jingjingxyk
  • 修复在GCC 14编译会导致致命错误。 @remicollet

⭐️ 内核优化:

  • 移除对socket structs的无用检查。 @petk
  • 升级swoole Library。 @deminy
  • Swoole\Http\Response增加对451状态码的支持。 @abnegate
  • 同步PHP不同版本的文件操作代码。 @NathanFreeman
  • 同步PHP不同版本的pdo操作代码。 @NathanFreeman
  • 优化Socket::ssl_recv()的代码。 @matyhtf
  • 优化了config.m4,一些配置可以通过pkg-config设置依赖库位置。 @NathanFreeman
  • 优化解析请求头的时候使用动态数组的问题 。 @NathanFreeman
  • 优化在多线程模式下,文件描述符fd的生命周期问题。 @matyhtf
  • 优化协程一些基本逻辑。 @matyhtf

❌ 废弃:

  • 不再支持PHP 8.0
  • 不再支持Swoole\Coroutine\MySQL协程客户端。
  • 不再支持Swoole\Coroutine\Redis协程客户端。
  • 不再支持Swoole\Coroutine\PostgreSQL协程客户端。

⚠ 注意:

  • Swoole-v6.0.0-alpha是测试版本,不能用于任何生产环境,只能用于测试。

😊 致谢

  • 感谢你们为Swoole v6.0.0做出的贡献,祝愿大家身体健康,万事如意,工作顺利。