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Switcher API Kubernetes Helm Charts

Release Charts License: MIT Slack: Switcher-HQ

Switcher API Helm Charts

Deploy Switcher API using switcherapi/switcher-api Helm Charts.


Helm must be installed to use the charts. Please refer to Helm's documentation to get started.

Once Helm is set up properly, follow the steps below:

Install MongoDB

helm repo add bitnami
helm install db bitnami/mongodb \
    --namespace=switcherapi --create-namespace \
    --set auth.enabled=false

Install Switcher API

helm repo add switcherapi
helm install switcherapi switcherapi/switcher-api \
    --namespace=switcherapi --create-namespace

Uninstall Switcher API

helm uninstall switcherapi --namespace switcherapi

API parameters

Name Description Value
api.image.tag Switcher API Image tag latest
api.service.port API Service port 3000
Name Description Value
api.env.sslSecretName API SSL Secret Name (enable HTTPS) ``
api.env.resourceSecret API Swagger (user: admin) admin
api.env.switcherApiLogger API log true
api.env.historyActivated API Change Log record true
api.env.permissionCacheActivated API Permission Cache true
api.env.googleSkipAuth Skip Google ReCaptcha validation true
api.env.metricsMaxPage Metrics: max logs per page 50
api.env.strategyMaxOperation Strategy: max operation entries 100
api.env.relayBypassHttps Relay: Bypass HTTPS validation false
api.env.relayBypassVerification Relay: Bypass Verification false
api.env.maxRequestPerMinute API max Request per minute 1000
api.env.jwtAdminTokenRenewInterval User token renew interval 5m
api.env.mongoUri API Database URI < see values.yml >
api.env.bitbucketClientId Bitbucket Client Id ``
api.env.bitbucketClientSecret Bitbucket Client Secret ``
api.env.githubClientId GitHub Client Id ``
api.env.githubClientSecret GitHub Client Secret ``
api.env.googleRecaptchaSecret Google ReCaptcha Secret ``
api.env.switcherSlackJwtSecret Switcher Slack Secret ``
api.env.switcherGitOpsJwtSecret Switcher GitOps Secret ``

Resolver API parameters

Name Description Value
resolver.image.tag Switcher Resolver Image tag latest
resolver.service.port API Service port 3001
Name Description Value
resolver.env.sslSecretName API SSL Secret Name (enable HTTPS) ``
resolver.env.resourceSecret API Swagger (user: admin) admin
resolver.env.switcherApiLogger API log true
resolver.env.metricsActivated API Metrics record true
resolver.env.relayBypassHttps Relay: Bypass HTTPS validation false
resolver.env.relayBypassVerification Relay: Bypass Verification false
resolver.env.regexMaxTimeout Regex Validator: max timeout in ms 3000
resolver.env.regexMaxBlacklist Regex Validator: max blacklist entries 50
resolver.env.maxRequestPerMinute API max Request per minute 0 (unlimited)
resolver.env.jwtClientTokenExpTime Component token renew interval 5m
resolver.env.mongoUri API Database URI < see values.yml >

Management parameters

Name Description Value
management.image.tag Switcher Management Image tag latest
management.service.port Management Service port 8080
Name Description Value
management.env.switcherApiUrl Switcher API URL http://localhost:3000
management.env.switcherManagementUrl Management callback URL http://localhost:8080
management.env.switcherSlackUrl Switcher Slack App URL http://localhost:5000
management.env.allowHomeView Allow Home View false
management.env.googleRecaptcha Google ReCaptcha Public Key ``
management.env.bitbucketClientId Bitbucket Client Id ``
management.env.githubClientId GitHub Client Id ``


Validate Chart from local Values

helm install -f charts/switcher-api/values.yaml switcherapi ./charts/switcher-api/ \
    --namespace=switcherapi --create-namespace

SSL Enabled

helm install -f charts/switcher-api/values.yaml switcherapi ./charts/switcher-api/ \
    --namespace=switcherapi --create-namespace \
    --set api.env.sslSecretName="[CHANGE_ME]" \
    --set management.env.switcherApiUrl="https://localhost:3000" \
    --set management.env.switcherManagementUrl="https://localhost:8080"

Switcher Slack App Helm Charts

Deploy Switcher Slack App using switcherapi/switcher-slack-app Helm Charts.


Follow the Switcher Slack App instructions to create a Slack App before installing this Chart.

Install Switcher Slack App

helm repo add switcherapi
helm install switcherslackapp switcherapi/switcher-slack-app \
    --namespace=switcherapi --create-namespace \
    --set app.env.slackClientId="" \
    --set app.env.switcherManagementUrl="" \
    --set app.env.switcherAPIUrl="" \
    --set app.env.slackSigningSecret="" \
    --set app.env.slackClientSecret=""

Uninstall Switcher Slack App

helm uninstall switcherslackapp --namespace switcherapi

App parameters

Name Description Value
app.image.tag Switcher Slack App Image tag latest
app.service.port App Service port 5000
Name Description Value
app.env.slackClientId Slack Client Id ``
app.env.switcherManagementUrl Switcher Management URL for callback auth ``
app.env.switcherAPIUrl Switcher API URL ``
app.env.switcherCertPath Switcher API SSL Cert Path ``
app.env.slackSigningSecret Slack Signing Secret ``
app.env.slackClientSecret Slack Client Secret ``
app.env.sslSecretName SSL Secret Name (TLS for Switcher API) ``


Validate Chart from local Values

helm install -f charts/switcher-slack-app/values.yaml switcherslackapp ./charts/switcher-slack-app/ \
    --namespace=switcherapi --create-namespace \
    --set app.env.slackClientId="[CHANGE_ME]" \
    --set app.env.switcherManagementUrl="" \
    --set app.env.switcherAPIUrl="" \
    --set app.env.slackSigningSecret="[CHANGE_ME]" \
    --set app.env.slackClientSecret="[CHANGE_ME]"