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Personal collection of dotfiles.

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Hey there! This is my personal collection of macOS and Linux dotfiles that I use to customize my development environments. In this repository, you'll find my configurations for:

Prerequisite I use homebrew to easilly install and update software in macOS. Make sure Homebrew is installed and run:

brew bundle --file=./Brewfile

I use GNU Stow to manage these dotfiles, making it easy to install and manage them on multiple machines. To get started, follow these steps:

  1. Clone repository: git clone ~/.dotfiles
  2. Change into the directory: cd ~/.dotfiles
  3. Use Stow to install the separate dotfiles you're interested in, for example:
    • single configuration stow zsh
    • or with multiple options: stow zsh spaceship tmux git neovim
    • also, setting the target directory with: stow --target=/path/to/target zsh

That's it! All these settings should turn the command line interface into a personalized development environment up and running without hassle.

Feel free to take a look at my dotfiles and use them as inspiration for your own customization.

Detailed Install Instructions


In order to extend tmux functionalities, like using a custom theme, I have TPM setup in tmux.conf. To install TPM follow the instructions from the project repository, the current install instructions are:

git clone ~/.config/tmux/plugins/tpm

Note: before installing TPM, stow tmux first.


To add a custom theme to Alacritty terminal I'm using the official themes repo and the current install instructions are:

git clone ~/.config/alacritty/themes

Font requirement:

brew install font-fira-code-nerd-font

Note: before installing the themes, stow alacritty first.


I am now using lazy.nvim as the plugin manager, instructions will be available "soon". To help with NeoVim customization I'm using packer.nvim plugin manager. To install Packer:

Enabling Automatic Light/Dark Mode Switching in Terminal

Follow these steps to enable automatic light and dark mode switching in terminal applications:

  1. Start by cloning the dark-mode-notify repository. git clone
  2. Install the package using make. Use sudo to avoid permission issues in /usr/local/bin directory: sudo make install
  3. Copy the provided .plist file to ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ which is a directory where user-specific agents are stored: cp dev.dezdez.dark-mode-notify.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents/
  4. Use launchctl to keep the application running on boot: launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/dev.dezdez.dark-mode-notify.plist

By following these steps, automatic light/dark mode switching should be enabled at least in these TUIs: Alacritty, tmux and neovim.