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Spawn an async process and get back stdout, handling errors


npm install smart-spawn


You need Node 6+. It'll probably run on 0.10, 0.12 and 4 too, but the test suite doesn't cover those versions, so you're on your own. And you should upgrade anyway because those are horribly insecure.

var smartSpawn = require('smart-spawn');

var process = smartSpawn('ls', ['-l'], process.cwd(), function(err, stdout) {
	if (err) throw err;



Arguments are, in order: the name of the process to spawn, arguments passed to the subprocess, the subprocess' working directory, and a callback function.

The callback receives two arguments. The first is an Error object which is passed if the process couldn't be spawned or if it exited with a nonzero exit code, otherwise it's undefined. The second is the process' stdout upon its completion (regardless of any errors that may have occured).

Return value

smart-spawn will return an instance of ChildProcess representing the spawned subprocess.


LGPL 3.0+


AJ Jordan [email protected]