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2.33.0 (LTS)

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@bajtos bajtos released this 13 Mar 15:10
· 277 commits to master since this release

Enable remote methods to be disabled by alias

Fix disableMethodByName method to allow callers to specify one of method aliases instead of the "canonical" name. For example, disable the method removeById by calling disableMethodByName('destroyById').

Fix content-type reported by the built-in error handler

When a remote method sets a custom content-type (e.g. image/jpeg) and then fails, the content-type is reset back to application/json now, in order to match the body contents.

Convert object query params to JSON in outgoing requests

When invoking a remote method via strong-remoting, fix the code building query string parameters to correctly handle edge cases like a deeply-nested empty-array value.

Consider the following invocation:

Model.find({where: {id: {inq: []}}})

Before the fix, an empty argument value was sent.

strong-remoting is sending the correct argument value now.